Moss burger only menu of Fuji-Q Highland only "Fujiyama burger" & "Black pepper chicken burger"

Fuji-Q HighlandAs a result of examining various shops in Nagasaki, it is natural that prices of eating and drinking are raised, but as a result, the reversal phenomenon that it is cheaper to eat with Mos Burger has occurred, headed for Mos Burger. I am eating a regular menu, so I decided to challenge "Fujiyama Burger" and "Black pepper chicken burger" that I can only eat here.

Taste reviews are as follows.
Moss Burger | Eat | Fuji-Q Highland

This isMoss Burger Fuji-Q Highland Store

The mystery message of the blackboard which is often seen in the shops of Moss

This is what it's like inside the store

This is the original "black pepper chicken burger"

Promote at checkout

Moreover, the model of Fujiyama burger ... ...

Fujiyama burger set is 1000 yen

Set of black pepper chicken burger and potatoes ¥ 770

So purchase as a set

Fujiyama burger on the left, black pepper chicken burger on the right

This is Fujiyama burger, 610 yen if it is single item.

Somehow it is covered with sauce

Since it is inevitable that the sauce spills over when you try to eat, you only have to manage with a spoon to come.

This is the way between. As a taste apparently somewhere to eat somewhere. When I tried exploring the memory with what it was, I got caught as much as possible and sauce overflowed with sauce "Luxury Moss BurgerIt looks exactly like. It is a feeling that thrust me into this even if it is covered with regular tomato base sauce. If you eat luxury Mos Burger once, you will have no difficulty because you have experience once, but if it is inexperienced this is Odoroki.

This is "Black pepper chicken burger", 380 yen if it is single item

Freshly crushed, yet juicy

Chicken is crispy in clothing and there is a response, and some people may feel that it is greasy, the body part is juicy. Since black pepper is working, I can eat Morimori, and when I go around in Fujikyu and eat when I am hungry, I feel satisfaction is even greater. However, as I felt that the compatibility of ketchup and black pepper green chicken was not good at all, I personally felt that it might be a Mayo based sauce.

in Gastronomic Adventure, Posted by darkhorse