The real "Die Hard" captured by surveillance cameras

Popular movie "Die Hard" which fierce action fights from the beginning to the end. It is said that the surveillance camera took pictures of such a scene like a die and a hard.

It is the content that the driver suddenly suffered a heart attack, followed by a runaway car and thrust into the building, but the figure coming in towards the camera isBruce WillisTo playJohn McLainIt will look like.

Movie playback is from the following.
YouTube - Man Escapes Truck Crash Kastamonu, Turkey. Death escape

This is a picture taken in a certain building in Turkey.

A man is approaching here with a brave dash.

A man escaping into the building, one car behind it ... ....

The car thrust into the building as it is, is the man safe?

It seems that the driver threw himself because the driver caused a heart attack, the driver seems to have died, but the man who ran away seems to have been almost unscathed.

in Video, Posted by darkhorse_log