Headline news on May 26, 2010

Beyond hits such as "Dawn of the Dead" and "Bio · Hazard", the biggest hit in zombie film history is recorded, and in Japan, the movie scheduled to be released on July 24 "Zombie land". In the world full of zombies, the withdrawal weak with the stomach Retreat to the virgin Tough gunmen and girlfriend sister seems to be a comedy entertainment horror that aims at an amusement park without zombies, but it appears in the play To survive from zombies to do32 rules publishedIt was done.

Some rules have appeared in Japanese version trailers published on the official website with the feeling that "rules do not forgive even family and friends", "think of people as zombies", "strip clubs avoid" and so on I will.

So, tomorrowMay 27. GIGAZINE wrote such an article on May 27th one year ago.

Man who filed most of the lawsuits in the world, sue Guinness who tried to register myself - GIGAZINE

Hairdresser incorporating martial arts training - GIGAZINE

A woman whose bullet was left in his face for 42 years - GIGAZINE

Today's headline news.

Prefecture acceptance of over 300 million yen - News in the prefecture - miyanichi e press(Society, Miyazaki Prefecture Foot and Mouth Damage Donation Donation totaled about 325 million yen (as of 24th), and we will accept donations after 25th)

7 years to breeding bulls 1 to 2 pass years passed - News in the prefecture - miyanichi e press(Animal husbandry, becoming a sire is one or two annually among candidate cattle born among good parents with good lineage, and it takes about seven years to cultivate)

Disagreement that the statistics denies "Japan is a child pornographic superior" Discipline: Lawyer Takashi Yamaguchi speaks a lot(It is meaningless unless it is discussed not based on regulation, impression theory but data as a certain real number)

Google announces "Chrome" stable version for Mac and Linux - builder by ZDNet Japan(I feel Google's serious attitude toward expanding Chrome's user base, as browsers are now available on all three major platforms)

Optimization function for GCC's Core 2 / Core i 7, being developed for GCC 4.6 - Slashdot · Japan(Software concerns about performance difference with Intel Compiler series)

Recommendation of OpenStreetMap: OSM Map Favorite iphone application "ubique"(Map display software using OpenStreet map which is mobile, free map data)

On launch of "HD-STB" set-top box with built-in hard disk (HDD) in "au HIKARI" | 2010 | KDDI CORPORATION(Hardware, since it is 1365 yen per month, it may be reasonable if it uses about 2 years)

About specification change of au mobile phone's instruction manual | 2010 | KDDI CORPORATION(The number of pages of manuals of mobile and mobile phones will be reduced to less than half, plus emphasis on easy-to-understand characters, characters will be easy to see, and illustration will be inserted as appropriate)

"Difference" known on the iPad Wi-Fi + 3G version: "iPad" reinvents the net and computer (1/3) - ITmedia + D Mobile(Hardware, the strength of 3G model incorporating GPS)

A printer that does not have to be replaced with an ink cartridge appears!? (Excite Bit connector) | Excite News(Memo,High ink cartridgeAbolished and built-in large capacity ink pack that can print about 8000 A4 paper on the main unit)

Blog scholarship first term recruitment - livedoor corporation(You can create an environment where you can immerse yourself in blogs by having net income every month)

Google's Pacman logo brings $ 120 million loss - US research - ITmedia News(Internet service, many users spent time when changing to the Pac-Man logo that Google can play as a game)

V.A. (American Idol): American Idol 's work, one delivery at a time / BARKS news(Net service, the work of artists from idol audition programs on national scale will be delivered)

Amazon CEO "Kindle reads only", colorization is still ahead International news: AFPBB News(Hardware, in the form of being attacked by the iPad, but for long reading or reading on the beachB / W screen of electronic ink is more advantageous)

SIM Unlock Unlocks Draft Guidelines of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications on Voluntary Discretion from April Next - ITmedia News(It will be possible to use mobile phone terminals that can deal with SIM unlock by mobile, from voluntary judgment of cell phone communication companies from April next year)

Drunk driving: arresting Irabu former pitcher near US Ross - every day jp (Mainichi Shinbun)(Sports, being bailed with paying about 450,000 yen)

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): North Korea's announcement of disapproval, criticism of US State Department officials as 'strange' - International(International, North Korea announces discontinuities with Korea)

How many icons are there on the desktop? - I Shared Examination | PC | My Computer Journal(There is a correlation between survey, room cleanliness and desktop location management)

@nifty: Daily portal Z: Friendship day at US military facilities(Event, the US military facility in Kanagawa prefecture, which is opened only once a year)

Former employee who complained of 'Huge S size uniform!' And extra weight loss rice Hooters - MSN Sankei News(Memo, Hooters characteristic of tank top and hot pants uniforms require weight reduction)

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Nakamoto Shopping Battle, Going Out For a manager also in armor figure "Aio" - Business · Economics(Business, it is becoming a boom suddenlyNagoya hospitality battalion corpsDeclared the beginning of the battle shopping battle)

Even three consecutive holidays were excited! What is the trip style of Chinese consecutive holidays? - Life - Nikkei Trendy Net(Overseas, People's Large movement in May holidays, domestic travel, Japan and North Korea are also popular)

Real Live - Why are you addicted to the Philippine pub?(Note, the opinion that "girls in the Philippine pubs are more friendly")

Damage to work heart over 10 hours - Sankei Biz (Sankei Biz)(Health, mortality risk due to heart attack, etc. is increased by 60% compared with zero overtime)

Organic food, special health promotion effect not found = investigation | overbearing of the world | Reuters(We examined papers in health and scientific literature, but few studied long-term health promotion effect)

Moderate drinking, the possibility of reducing the risk of diabetes mellitus = research | global speech | Reuters(Health, moderate drinking amount is 1 woman maximum glass in a woman case, 2 cups in men)

Nearly 70% of my wife is discomforting 30 Odor smell "Old Oil"?(Survey, comparing the smell of her husband to "tempura oil", "machine oil" etc.)

Although it is 33 years old CA, a male who is good at marriage is not absolute! (Angry): romance · marriage · divorce: remark Komachi: major Oomachi: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(Society, the fact that romance does not work is never one of the responsibilities)

[Conversation book] Seven points for continuing conversation with "awkward silence pear" even in poor story - Naoki Shikada's "reading is worth"(If you listen to the story of your opponent well, even if you do not speak from yourself)

Digital News Thread: Former homeless but have any questions?(There are people socially surprisingly living a survival life soon)

Tin Machine Co., Ltd. / Eva & amp; GAINAX Game(Mobile, elements to nurture apostles as well)

Evangelion New Theatrical Version: Break Film Cut 2 Channel Summary: 【2ch】 New Speed ​​VIP Blog (`· ω · ')(Anime, something like why did you put such a film cut)

New Theatrical Version: EVA Break Film Cut Conclusion: Moe Ota news bulletin(Anime, there is also a film with a dark scene if it is out of the way)

About 60% of users who are routinely listening to music are "purchasing CD", downloading for free by half 30% - japan.internet.com Daily research(Although it says that music and CDs are no longer sold, the method of obtaining music is No. 1 for CD purchase and the second place is rented)

3D movies in which dancers who broke Susan Boyle appeared, Sweeping the UK: Movie News - If it's a movie eiga.com(Will movies and dances be one of the things worth seeing in 3D?)

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Suspected overlooking traffic violations in terms of "female introduction" Hyogo prefectural police officers - Society(I was asked to overlook the society, the offending ticket, let me introduce another woman as a condition)

@nifty: Daily portal Z: I want to make my trunk easier to find at the airport(To the trunk which stands out with the sticker using the method used in advertisement, advertisement)

"Pepsi Strong Shot" New Release 2010.5.25 News Release Suntory(To eat drinking at once, it is a drinking size (190 ml))

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Headline news on May 25, 2010 - GIGAZINE

in Headline, Posted by darkhorse_log