Headline news on April 21, 2010
Famous for CastellaGinza Bunmido gives 3 o'clock snacks to 300 people on 1st MayThat's right. How to participateTwitter page of Ginza Bunkado(To show tweets on their homepage, etc.), and retweet "Gifts for Brief Treats at 3 o'clock" of Ginza Bunkado (spread tweets), and at 15 o'clock May 1, Ginza Bunmyo If you present things that you can check Twitter screens such as mobile phones at a store in the store you can be at the snack at 3 o'clock.
By the way the contents of the snack at 3 o'clock seems to be enjoying that day ... ....
So, tomorrowApril 22. On April 22, one year ago, GIGAZINE wrote such an article.
■Map to understand how much employment was lost in the US in the US - GIGAZINE
■Maximum speed of 325 kilometers, too cool Lamborghini police car - GIGAZINE
■Exactly overwhelming, release demonstration movie showing the capabilities of WILLCOM's next-generation PHS "XGP" at once - GIGAZINE
Today's headline news.
■The person who entered Tenkaichi unofficial meeting was too strong | web R25(Memo, high school education · no income · gambling habit · debt etc is a standard element)
■CIA ☆ This is the Film Central Intelligence Agency: a funny video of 1 minute that condensed the charm of Emma Stone starring in the latest work "Easy A" of an academy comedy depicting a reassuring revenge of a honor student affixed with Yaliman's label. It is! - It is a blog of rare movie information / film criticism of film intelligence worker(Movie, PV being introduced is anxious)
■Ultra-sooo !! Within 20 minutes Ha! If not done it would not be a dream Well this is also an untitled document(Story, normally it will be stopped immediately, but ...).
■Do not self-analyze - suggest ideal way to spend the beginning of your job hunting - Kanebo's blog(Work, job hunting already in 2012 has begun)
■[NS] Reprint version GAME & amp; WATCH arrived(Platinum member benefits that gather points, club Nintendo points)
■Kokukame: The bronze statue of Tokyo and Katsushika - broken every day - Mainichi Newspaper(Memo, one of the maracas you had in both hands will be folded)
■CNN.co.jp: Iceland volcanic ash benefits exports to New Zealand(Business and export items are stagnating and the order rush to substitute items in New Zealand)
■Togetter - Conclusion "Tweet pickup of Halu 1224 and Kitakawa Etsuko"(How to describe Kitagawa's twitter to write a script of a drama, "Do not be honest")
■Tokyo Newspaper: There was a politician named Masaaki Arai known as a young artist. Tokyo University Graduation ...: Editorial · Column (TOKYO Web)(Politics, the Governor Ishihara who said that there are many naturalized people and their children in the National Assembly once said to Mr. Masataka Arai)
■Nikkan's thread guide: Confessor Mr. Sawayama seaweed is "Onii-chan liked", bonito to sister moe attribute(Anime, sometimes like this story I can not stop "Sazae-san")
■Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Choosing a bookstore member nationwide "Okatae's" Tenchi Shimbun "at the bookstore grand prize - Culture(Publication, this autumn will be filmized "Mardock Scramble"Okata Ding also is the author of the Grand Prize"
■Mr. Tanigaki also tweets to the party debate: Twitter politics: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(There are more politicians tweeting whether merit is bigger than risks such as politics and funny things)
■Mirror box: Ryoma's? "KAIENTAI" carved Kyoto - every day jp (Mainichi Newspaper)(History, the same as the initials of Ryoma Sakamoto "SR" is engraved)
■Rei Ayanami's special figures are included! "UCC Eva can figure figure set" to release - Tokyo Walker(Three kinds of food, Ray, Asuka, Mali are prepared, and Mary's pose is particularly impressive)
■I decided the name and design of the IC card ticket | Nagoya Railway(Traffic, it became the same name as one of the heroines of "Love plus")
■51 ways to deal with stress - himaginary's diary(Life, a way to relieve stress immediately)
■Dealing with uncontrollable belly and corner when you encounter anything "Twitter bastard" | Soichiro Ishihara "Adult net manner classroom" | Diamond Online(Living, it is hard to get angry when grandly sympathizing for "Twitter bastard")
■Shigotano! - Two major points of "Why I was an obsession of school lunch I am having a shop in Shimokitazawa and I am a president with designers"(Life, growth is born where you try and do what you want to do)
■Choose "third beer" with "sensibility"!? Analysis of new products of each company - Life - Nikkei Trendy Net(Food, "Water" "Strongness" "Creamy Foam", etc. products added unique sensibility of each company appear one after another)
■Even with this, German technology will make the magnesium parts of the car cheaper - Nikkei Automotive Technology - Tech-On!(Technology, if it becomes possible to make magnesium parts by press, it becomes possible to make lightweight parts much cheaper)
■Asahi.com (Asahi Newspaper): Tenkon Human April 21, 2010 (Wednesday)(It is sarcastically ironic about the fact that the PR song of the international shanghai Expo was similar to the song of Okamoto Mayo)
■"Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha The MOVIE 1st" Screened last day added Late Show [final screaming screening] decision! - Cine Libre / Cine Libre Umeda / Topics(To the wonderful final that anime, screaming, singing, screening, clapping, psyllium use etc in the screening are OK)
■【2ch】 New Speed Quality: 【Image】 papaya Suzuki I am too skinny, it's too big(Entertainment, the kora picture that comes up in the second half will look more decent)
■Togetter - Conclusion "Game Designer Mr. Shogo Masuda's" Combat Calculator Elementary Course ""(Elementary View on Game and Game Design)
■Popular! I tried comparing new roll cakes of convenience store companies - Tokyo Walker(Food, all kind of convenience store companies will receive total roll cake boom without signs to finish)
■Oscar actress Monique's older brother, confessing sexual abuse: movie news - if movies eiga.com(I reveal that I was sexually abused for a year or two since I was 13, Monique was 7 years old)
■How to open the heart of "ETC type" new recruits? (Excite Bit Connector) | Excite News(Note, "Work is a piece of life" So "let's finish quickly" Because it is a way of thinking that division is precise, efficiency is good)
■How does the search engine work? : 12 th index dispersion | gihyo.jp ... technical commentary(Database, there are two methods for speeding up the search processing with multiple servers, index replication and index distribution), this time we will explain the distribution method)
■Linux Dock Roundup - Make Tech Easier(Linux, introduction of various OSX-like Dock)
■Examine iPhone / iPod / iPad PHP and JS source code example: phpspot development diary(The version number of AppleWebKit is different between script, iPhone, iPod and iPad, and iPad, iPhone, iPod enter user agent)
■Final fantasy 13 costs 800 yen for only 4 months. Since his recent work was the lowest, there is no help for it * There is no help for those who make homepages(It is arranging 'super personal bitches' about the game, FF 13)
■Trend news | Receive word-of-mouth information and hot topics every day! Which one do you want to kiss from men and women? Survey on actual situation of kidding of Imadoki girls | GyaO! [Gao](Love, "There are many women who answered" I often kiss from myself ") surprisingly)
■The safest car is "Legacy" - The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transportation announced "Automobile Assessment" news - Oricon ranking of net securities · car insurance(Receive 6 star rating, which is the highest point in safety performance evaluation of automobile, driver's seat and passenger's seat)
■"Hankyu Umida Main Store" x "Kansai Walker" Collaboration "Ueshiba Burger" Appears! - Kansai Walker(Hamburgers created with the theme "Food," eyes of the eyes "" Kansai-likeness "" fashionable ")
■1 in 3 teen, over 100 cell phone emails a day - US survey - ITmedia News(Note, the average number of sending and receiving of cellular mail per day is 30 for boys, and 80 for girls)
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Headline news on 20th April 2010 - GIGAZINE
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