A survey result is issued in Australia that the church is more dangerous than the strip theater

Speaking of church, there is a sacred place, safe and secure image, but in Australia's New South Wales survey results that the church is more criminal than adult entertainment facilities such as strip theater and brothels It is said that it came out.

Details are as below.
Aussies safer in a strip club than a church, figures show News.com.au

According to News.com.au 's article, the latest data from Criminal Statistics Research Bureau of New South Wales said that the number of people accused of committing a crime at' Place of Worship 'in 2008 will be 1,600. In contrast, only 282 people were accused of committing a crime at "adult entertainment facilities".

Some people were arrested for sexual crime and car theft at places of worship, and the number of people captured by harassment acts or intimidation seems to be more than twice the number of entertainment facilities for adults.

According to Don Wedderburn director of the investigation office, "It is unlikely that the possibility of meeting a crime such as being attacked at a place of worship or stolen something is the same as on the street, if we look at the statistical data this time, I am telling you.

In addition, the "worship place" which is rising in data includes Christianity, Judaism, Muslim churches and temples, monasteries, cathedrals, chapel, etc., "adult entertainment facilities" The striptease theaters, porn shops, brothels, massage parlors, homosexual clubs, gambling grounds are included. I do not know the reason why the person in the place of worship is easy to aim for criminals, or why the crime is reduced due to desire spreading in entertainment facilities, but why it leads to a difference in the number of crimes is not understood, but in any place of worship crisis awareness It seems better to have one.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log