Thrilling communication of animals across the food chain

As the word 'weak meat and strong food' implies, animals peel their fangs against predators who try to eat themselves, and try to attack opponents who are weaker than themselves, but the picture shows how they overturned such common sense. Was being done.
There are some scenes where you're looking at something that makes you feel uncomfortable, but does it mean that friendship sometimes goes beyond your instincts?
Details are as below.
There seems to be an exception to the relationship between cats and mice, which are familiar to Tom and Jerry and seem to be eternal rivals. It looks like a cat that listens to the words of a mouse.

I wonder if I'm trying to listen better, or ... but the mouse isn't moving at all.

Compassionate eyes staring at a peaceful sleeping face. It is strange that he does not seem to be scared.

The other squirrel is rushing from the top of the tree to the crisis of a fellow squirrel.

A strong squirrel punch hits the dog's face directly. The courage to face someone bigger than you is awesome.

There is a squirrel at the destination where the cats send a hot look. There is no sign of touching it with the feeling that it is a miracle.

Is it due to the fact that the lion clearly looks frustrated?

Dogs that are too freedom. It doesn't seem to be in the corner of my head that we may be able to eat it.

For some reason, the pig has a more imposing personality. The appearance of snuggling up is like a couple.

It feels like a cat acting alone doesn't care about a horde of shepherds that are so intimidating that they feel like they're surrounded by them.

It's supposed to be a prey at the tip of my eyes and nose, but I'm leaving it on. Was there a favorite point beyond appetite?
A daredevil rat eats leopard food with a naive face.

Even if you try to push it with the tip of your nose, the rat responds to the extent that 'Stop it'. Was he surprised by the unexpected intruder so much that he was so reluctant to deal with a person of a size that could be snapped in one bite?

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in Creature, Posted by darkhorse_log