Eco-point payment to flat-screen TVs, target models expected to decrease from next spring

Terrestrial digital broadcasting compatible TV sales volume in October 2009166.6% as compared with the same month of the previous yearWe are showing steady sales, but it is responsible for raising demandEco PointIt is clear that the model to be awarded is expected to decrease from next spring.

Material released by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (PDF file)So, as of September 2009, the penetration rate of receivers compatible with terrestrial digital broadcasting has remained at only 69.5%, but if the target model greatly decreases, there is a possibility that the spreading pace will slow down.

Details are as below.
Eco-point, TV target will be reduced significantly next spring, government revised standard | NIKKEI NET

According to the Nihon Keizai Shimbun news report, we are going to revise the target standards for energy saving efficiency of flat-screen TVs that are eligible for eco points from April 2010 to be more stringent than at present.

Since most of models currently sold at the shop fulfill the current standards, it is aimed to urge manufacturers to develop even higher technology.

In addition, while the current standard is "target achieved in fiscal 2008" based on "models with the highest energy saving efficiency in fiscal 2004", newly defined criteria are excellent models of 2008 It is said that it will become the "achievement target of 2012" calculated on the basis of it, and it is said that there is a possibility that the current model will be out of point after the revision.

in Hardware, Posted by darkhorse_log