PS3 controller similar to Wii remote control is on sale, with motion sensor

Sony plans to release a PS3 controller that enabled a bodily-sensible game by installing a motion sensor next spring, but a controller similar to Nintendo's Wii remote control from a peripheral device manufacturer will be released for control of PS3 It was revealed.

The aboveThe possibility that Sony will release Wii remote control like controller for PS 3 was touched downAlthough it is an image image sometimes created, how much is it exactly like the Wii remote?

Details are as below.
BLAZE PS3 Motion Freedom 3D Controller - PS3 - BLAZE - Video Game Accessories for Sega, DS, DSi, Wii, PS3, PSP and PC. Gadgets and Software. (Powered by CubeCart)

According to this page, a manufacturer called BLAZE, which manufactures peripherals of game machines of each company, is planning to release "BLAZE PS3 Motion Freedom 3D Controller" as a controller for PS3.

"BLAZE PS3 Motion Freedom 3D Controller" can be operated in three dimensions like the Wii remote control by installing a motion sensor, so in addition to giving a new way of playing to the game software of PS 3, there are buttons that can be operated intuitively It is said that it adopts the layout of.

This is "BLAZE PS3 Motion Freedom 3D Controller". I feel that there are a few buttons and it seems to be hard to use with one hand, but is it okay?

Nintendo's Wii remote control. By comparing you will find that it is quite similar.

By the way, the release time which is worrisome is said to be "shortly", the price is undecided.

in Game, Posted by darkhorse_log