"Bizan Autumn Festa 2009 X Machi★Asobi" held in Tokushima

Machi★Asobi is an promotional event of Tokushima held from Oct. 10 to 12. Since anime studio Ufotable, famous for anime adaption of Kara no Kyokai, settled their studio in Tokushima city, the event had a lot of anime-related features, talk events of voice actresses, free showing of their anime mobies and such.
Here's our coverage of the first day. Watch the view from the top of Mt. Bizan.
The Machi★Asobi festa is set on top and bottom of Mt. Bizan. Visitors go back and forth by aerial tramway, shuttle busses or on foot. We took aerial tramway since it had a special announcement voice by Maaya Sakamoto.

It usually runs every 15 minutes, but today it was every 7 minutes. The ride took about 5 minutes.

From the top.

Operated in double gondolas.

Mountain-top station had "Cencoroll" exhibition.

Awaodori dance team preparing for public performance.

Awaodori seems to be imperative for festivals in Tokushima, just like samba to Brazilians.

BMX rider preparing for his performance.

Food stalls had various dishes from Tokushima area.

"Miku-Sen" a shrimp cracker with cibol(a favorite item of Vocaloid Miku) was promoted on Ita-sha.

Famous cake stall ROMANDO ROLL was also coming to the site.

View from the top of Mt. Bizan.
YouTube - Tokushima City from Mt. Bizan
Whole Tokushima city can be seen in a glance.

This green hill right in the middle of the city is Shiroyama. Once there was Tokushima Castle and now the castle ruin is used as a park.

Onaruto Bridge and big wind turbine generator on Awaji island.

Yoshino river flowing through Tokushima city.

There are already 3 major bridges on Yoshinogawa. But they seem to be constructing another one.

The brown L-shaped building and the gray one is Takahara Building, Registered Tangible Cultural Property and a headquarter building of Ufotable studio.

Viewing Mt. Bizan From Shiroyama

There would be beautiful view of Tokushima city from Shiroyama, if there were less trees.

There was an accident on our way to Tokushima. The route to Tokushima is quite scenic, which may lure your eyes away from the road. Watch out if you're planning on visiting.

Related Post:
Poster of Awa Dance Festival featuring Shiki and Mikiya from “Kara no Kyokai” - GIGAZINE
Original pictures of “Kannnagi” exhibited at Ufotable Cafe - GIGAZINE
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