Reading brain waves and hat "SmartCap" to prevent dozing driving

It seems that a hat has been developed that reads brain waves and prevents dozing driving.

Recently, I often see the news that I fall asleep due to overwork on television etc. and become a traffic accident, but if it is known beforehand that it is overwork it may lead to prevention of accidents.

Details are from the following.
SmartCap invented that warns drivers they are about to nod off | Mail Online

This is a hat "SmartCap" which reads brain waves and prevents dozing driving

This SmartCap was invented by Daniel Bongers of a research team named CRC Mining which is a group of Australian researchers. The hat is equipped with a device to detect brain waves, and when it detects fatigue and drowsy brain waves It is said that the terminal that is turned on warns you to stop driving and take a rest.

It actually looks like this.

SmartCap will be used by long distance truck operators and coal mining companies in the United States and the UK from December this year, and it seems that there is no plan to sell general at present. Mr. Daniel commented, "SmartCap wishes to eliminate the dead while working."

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log