The campaign which cheaper more "Windows 7" preferential packages are emitting at super-affordable prices
To celebrate the launch of the latest OS "Windows 7" scheduled to be released on October 22 when Microsoft banned reservations from today, upgrade version of "Windows 7 Professional" and "Windows 7 Home Premium"To be released at 19999 yen and 13999 yen as "Windows 7 release commemoration preferential package"Although it announced, it became clear that it was offered at a lower price with bonus.
It is said that campaigns that are even cheaper are also being deployed.
Details are as below.
"Windows 7" finally released! NTT-X Store
According to the NTT Group's online store "NTT-X Store", as of September 25th at 16:00, upgraded version of "Windows 7 Professional" and "Windows 7 Home Premium" released as "Windows 7 launch memorial exception package" For the reserved user, I got 4 GB SDHC memory card and 1 CD case.
In addition, we upgrade the upgrade version of "Windows 7 Professional" from 21998 yen to 2198 yen and booking it at 18,800 yen, and the upgraded version of "Windows 7 Home Premium" ranges from 14,698 yen to 1498 yen It is reduced to 13,200 yen. Both shipping fee and cash on delivery commission are free.
Windows 7 Professional upgrade version Windows 7 release commemoration preferential package FQC - 01999 Microsoft NTT - X Store
Windows 7 Home Premium Upgrade version Windows 7 release commemoration preferential package GFC-01553 Microsoft NTT-X Store
According to a story from readers, campaigns offering cheaper packages than cheap prices are being conducted for users who have cleared the mini game on the following special site.
Challenge the game! Special price items change according to the score! Go to the dream special page GoGoGo! NTT-X Store
Actually played "puzzle mahjong". A score of 5000 or more makes it possible to access special price pages.
A special price page like this is displayed.
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in Software, Posted by darkhorse_log