Technologies that can charge mobile phones with "human temperature" how

NOKIA, the world's largest mobile phone maker, has been developing TV, radio,Mobile phones that can be charged using radio waves used in various situations in everyday lifeThe prototype was developed in July, but now it became clear that technology that can charge mobile phones at human body temperature will appear.

If this technology is put into practical use, will it be possible to charge by simply holding a cell phone in hand or putting it in a pocket?

Details are as below.
Swisselectric research award 2009

According to the "swisselectric research award 2009" page giving credit for researchers in the electrical field in Switzerland, research by Dr. Wulf Glatz, who developed a low-cost power generation system using heat, seemed to be a top performer .

Dr. Glatz's research has developed technologies to convert waste heat from central heating and heat of automobile engines into electricity and it is possible to lower the cost of manufacturing materials used for power generation to one tenth Besides becoming possible, by incorporating a new manufacturing method of superimposing the material directly on the plastic film, we succeeded in making the material thinner and more flexible than before.

Moreover, it is said that this technology will be able to be used for power generation even with low heat like body temperature, and it is expected that in the future it will become possible to charge mobile phones by converting body temperature to heat. In addition, Dr. Glatz obtained the patent of the research result, and it seems that it aims at commercialization within two years.

in Mobile, Posted by darkhorse_log