Reasons to refuse sexual activity Top 10, 1st place is "tired"

Even if I asked her or her boyfriend for sexual activity, when I do not feel like that, I will refuse some excuse, but I did questionnaire survey and summarized in ranking form what kind of excuse was being done at such time There seems to be something.

Again the first place is classic "can be tired" ranked in, and there are other things that I think are "there are" ranked in.

The ranking content is from the following.
Top excuse to avoid sex: I 'm too tired - Telegraph

This is a research company that conducts questionnaire surveys etc. in the UK "OnePoll"Surveyed excuses refusing sex acts to 4000 adult men and women, ranked the results. "I'm tired" can be said to be a standard in the first place ranked in, it turned out that nearly 70% of people use it. Apart from that, various excuses are coming up from what I refuse straightly, saying "I do not feel like that," such as "I must take a shower" or something I refuse a little euphemism.

The excuse ranking · Top 10 is as follows.

First place:"tired"
Second place:"I do not feel like that"
3rd place:"head hurts"
4th:"I have to get up early tomorrow"
5th place:"I can not let go of work at work"
6th place:"I am angry with you ... but ..."
7th place:"Child calling"
8th place:"Why do not you take a shower?"
9th place:"I hurt my back"
10th place:"It is not such a relationship yet"

Also, it seems that men have found that they excuse about 9% more often than females. Besides that, it is clear from the questionnaire survey that the hint that 40% of men are asking for sexual activity from the woman side tends to avoid entering the bed at the same time.

This questionnaire was done in the UK, but maybe there is an excuse to think in Japan as well.

in Note,   Posted by darkhorse_log