Was "Econa" really safe? What is "glycidol fatty acid ester" which is the cause of self-restraint?

Kao's edible oil which made a phrase that says good health and also received permission from foods for specified health use from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare "EconaThe series was temporarily suspended self - discipline and shipping stopped.

The target products are not limited to Econa Oil, but it extends to dressings using Econa, mayonnaise, dog food, and even Echona Seasons Series of Hagoromo Foods. KaoRespond to returned goodsAlthough it seems to aim for resuming sales in February 2010, what on earth is it that has led to sales self-control and shipping suspension this time?

I investigated various circumstances about what is "glycidol fatty acid ester" which is the cause of this uproar. Details are as below.

~ Mukuji
◆ Part 1: On the safety of glycidol fatty acid ester
◆ Part 2: Estimated that the amount of glycidol fatty acid ester contained in Econa is 100 times that of palm oil
◆ Part 3: Q & A on safety of Econa suddenly deleted by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare in September 2009
◆ Part 4: Econa's safety is gray zone at the present time
◆ Part 5: The safety of Econa has been regarded as a problem in the past
First of all, the following is "Econa related product list"is.

Edible oil, dressing sauce, mayonnaise type
· Econa Cooking Oil
· Econa Healthy & Healthy Cooking Oil
· Econa cooking oil stir-fry only
· Econa fried oil
· Econa fried oil
· Econa dressing sauce Japanese style
· Econa dressing sauce
· Econa dressing sauce Italian
· Econa dressing sauce Grapefruit
· Econa dressing sauce Sesame and dumpling sauce
· Econa dressing sauce salt
· Eccona raw onions Delicious plenty of dressing sauce
· Econa Fresh sesame delicious plenty of dressing sauce
· Econa domestic garlic's delicious delicious dressing sauce
· Econa Mayonnaise type
· 29 items of Econa gift set

■ Commercial cooking oil
· Econa cooking oil 8 kg

■ Dog Food
· Health Lab Young Adult (1 to 5 years old) 1 kg of small grain
· Health lab young adult (1 to 5 years old) normal grain 1 kg
· Health lab young adult (1 to 5 years old) 3 kg of small grain
· Health lab young adult (1 to 5 years old) normal grain 3 kg
· Health laboratory adult (6 to 9 years old) 1 kg of small grain
· Health laboratory adult (6 to 9 years old) normal grain 1 kg
· Health Lab Adult (6 to 9 years old) 3 kg of small grain
· Health laboratory adult (6 to 9 years old) normal grain 3 kg
· Health Lab Senior (10 years old ~) 1 kg of small grain
· Health Lab Senior (10 years old ~) normal grain 1kg
· Health Lab Senior (10 years old ~) 3 kg of small grain
· Health Lab Senior (10 years old ~) normal grain 3 kg
· Health Lab special treatment food 800g

Also, Hagoromo FoodsRelease PDF fileWe announced that we will refrain from selling the following products in the same way inside.

■ Canned
Econa シ ョ シ キ ン L Contents 140 g
Econa Sicchin L flake Contents amount 75 g · 80 g
Econa Sicchin Mild Contents amount 75 g

About this time, the strange thing is written in release released from Kao.

News release About self-restraint on temporary sales of Econa related products | Kao Corporation

Recently, mainly concerning the safety of glycidol fatty acid esters contained in oils and fats, mainly in Europe, our company also analyzed in mid-June 2009, and as a result we have added "Econa Cooking Oil" , We have confirmed that glycidol fatty acid ester is contained. It is reported that this glycidol fatty acid ester is by-produced in the process of general deodorization in the production process of oils and fats, and it is also contained in refined vegetable oil such as palm oil.
Regarding this glycidol fatty acid ester, there is no report clearly showing concern about safety from information and surveys up to the present time.
However, some consumers have some concerns and concerns about the safety of this glycidol fatty acid ester due to some information.

Because the important information is written in ambiguous manner as in the example as it is by way of example, let's see one by one as you can not understand what is problematic and what is safe this alone.

◆ Part 1: On the safety of glycidol fatty acid ester
Regarding this, the "Safety Information Division of the National Pharmaceutical Food Sanitation Institute of Japan published on May 7, 2009"Food safety information No. 10 (2009.05.07)"(PDF file) as mentioned below and it is based on what was announced by the German Federation Risk Assessment Research Institute.

● German Federal Risk Assessment Institute (BfR: Bundesinstitut fur Risikobewertung)

1. Initial evaluation on glycidol fatty acid ester content detected in purified vegetable oil
Erste Einschatzung zur Bewertung der in raffinierten pflanzlichen Fetten
Nach - gewiesenen Gehalte von Glycidol - Fetts aureestern (10 March 2009)

English summary version
Initial evaluation of the assessment of levels of glycidol fatty acid esters detected in
Refined vegetable fats
BfR Opinion No. 007/2009, 10 March 2009

The Chemical and Veterinary Test Agency (CVUA) of Stuttgart detected glycidol fatty acid esters from purified vegetable oils based on palm oil. Accurate quantification can not be done with currently available analytical methods. It is also unknown how much glycidol (classification of IARC: probably carcinogenic to humans in humans) liberates from glycidol fatty acid esters during human digestion process. Since purified vegetable oil is also used for margarine and infant milk, BfR evaluates on health risk. Worst scenario (assuming that all glycidol is free, assuming that glycidol 1 mg / kg is contained in edible oil) was used, infants taking only milk on the market may take a harmful level of glycidol. Manufacturers need to make efforts to reduce glycidol fatty acid esters as much as possible. In order to conduct reliable risk assessment, it is necessary to develop and verify the appropriate analysis method as soon as possible, and research on the conversion of glycidol fatty acid ester to glycidol in the body.

(* Posted for future due to broken link)

We will report on this announcement from the German Federal Risk Assessment Research Institute at a later date and there is a Japanese translation on the following page.

About glycidol fatty acid esters & amp; A - Food safety information blog

What is glycidol fatty acid ester?

Fat in food is fatty acid ester of glycerin. Glycerin molecule has three fatty acids. In the case of glycidol There is only one place to combine with fatty acids. Glycidol fatty acid esters are compounds structurally related to fat.

How will it occur?

It is produced by purification of vegetable oils and fats.

Which foods are included?

Glycidol fatty acid esters can basically be included in all foods including purified vegetable oils and fats. It is palm oil that has detected the highest concentration so far.

What is your health risk?

Glycidol is classified as a carcinogen and concentration that does not have a harmful effect is not set.

What should a mother giving artificial milk do?

Until now infant milk has been using purified vegetable oil for a long time, even if it contains glycidol fatty acid esters it is not new situation. Glycidol fatty acid ester was not detected in baby milk as a result of BfR test so far. BfR recommends infants to have the necessary nutrition.

in short,"Glycidol" of carcinogenic substance may be liberated in the process of digesting "glycidol fatty acid ester" contained in the highest concentration in palm oil,about it.

Kao wrote in the release that "For this glycidol fatty acid ester, information up to the present time, from the survey, there is no report clearly showing concern about safety." However, the current situation is that there is "a report showing concerns about safety" even if there is no "report that clearly indicates concerns about safety".

◆ Part 2: Estimated that the amount of glycidol fatty acid ester contained in Econa is 100 times that of palm oil

Regarding this matter, we held the "Food Safety Commission New Developed Food (No. 62) · Additives (No. 75) Joint Specialized Research CommitteeEvenShould investigate urgently about health effectsIt is said that it is, and detailed information is described in the following materials. "BfR" which comes out in the sentence is the German Federal Risk Assessment Research Institute that came out earlier.

Document 4: Request for additional materials to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (Yamazaki, Kanno Expert Committee Submission) [PDF]

It is urgently necessary to conduct provisional (preliminary) health effects assessment of glycidol fatty acid esters contained in DAG oil from the obtained data. This is because the amount of glycidol fatty acid ester contained in DAG oil is estimated to be about 100 times that of palm oil that BfR evaluated.
Since it is reported that glycidol is a genotoxic carcinogen (IARC classification 2A group), at the stage where there is no information on the carcinogenicity of the glycidol ester, referring to the behavior taken by BfR, the total amount of the ingested ester bodies I think that it is necessary to urgently make provisional evaluation assuming the worst situation that it converts to glycidol.

This "DAG oil" means "edible oil containing diacylglycerol at 80% or more". Specifically, it is Kao's "Econa", and Kao's page is very detailed about the DAG.

R & D of Kao nutrition metabolism Effect of diacylglycerol (DAG)

◆ Part 3: Q & A on safety of Econa suddenly deleted by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare in September 2009

Regarding the "diacylglycerol" itself contained in this DAG oil = Econa, the Ministry of Health, Labor and WelfareI made a Q & A page from September 2005 to around September 7, 2009 and released itAlthough,For some reason now deleteIt is being done. However, it is possible to see it below.

Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare: Q & A on Food Health Impact Assessment Request for Food Containing Diacylglycerol (DAG) at High Concentration

Perhaps, if you look at the background, it is speculated that the following sentences were bad, or that they will be bad in the future.

Question 4
Is food containing DAG at high concentration not good for your body?

Safety and effectiveness are confirmed by the Pharmaceutical Affairs and Food Hygiene Council for the permission of foods for specified health use containing DAG at high concentrations, and the safety assessment is appropriate at the Food Safety Committee as well.
DAG carcinogenic effects and carcinogenic promotion effects are not permitted from the results of safety tests commonly conducted in other countries, including the results of the trials used in these deliberations.
From the above, it is considered that there is no health concern regarding ingesting foods containing DAG at high concentration within the range of usual dietary habits.
Either way, it is important to keep a balanced diet.

Note: "Promotion of carcinogenesis" does not itself cause carcinogenesis like tobacco tar, but promotes carcinogenic action by other carcinogenic substances.

Should not we prohibit the sale of foods containing DAG at high concentration until additional test results come out?

Safety and effectiveness have been confirmed by the Regulatory Affairs and Food Sanitation Council in the case of permission as a food for specified health use in Heisei 15, and the safety assessment is appropriate by the Food Safety Committee as well. DAG carcinogenic effects and carcinogenic promotion effects are not permitted from the results of safety tests commonly conducted in other countries, including the results of the trials used in these deliberations.
From the above, it is considered that there is no health concern about ingesting food containing DAG at high concentration within the range of usual dietary habits, and sales are not prohibited.
The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare will continue providing adequate information to the people, and we will take appropriate risk management measures while listening to the opinions of the Food Safety Committee.

◆ Part 4: Econa's safety is gray zone at the present time

In the first place, regarding the safety of diacylglycerol-containing foods, that is, DAG oil such as Econa, from November 2005 to endJoint Working Group on Newly Developed Food Additives Special Study GroupAt1st·Part 2·The 3 rd·4th·5thMeeting has been held and at the present moment the following summary is done.

Reference 8: Summary of past history and knowledge on "About the safety of food containing diacylglycerol at high concentration" [PDF]

Also, since 2005 Kao himself has released various releases and pages as follows.

On the safety of Econona products and the main ingredient "diacylglycerol (DAG)"

R & D of Kao nutrition metabolism Safety of diacylglycerol (DAG)

The latest deliberation status of the Food Safety Commission

As a matter of fact, whether it is secure or not is whether it is safe as far as I examined with the technology at the time, but it seems that it has become somewhat obscure when I experiment with it over time .

For that reason, the following releases Kao put out on September 16, 2009 are anything but overpicking.

About self-restraint temporary sales of Econa related products 2nd news | Kao Corporation

○ Is there no carcinogenicity in glycidol fatty acid esters?
There is no scientific report on glycidol fatty acid ester scientifically concerning safety concerns including carcinogenicity.

○ Is Econa currently used at home safe?
There is no problem with safety.
The fact that there is no problem with the safety of Econa related products is a world standard test method, accumulated many evaluations, confirmed based on scientific evidence and objective evaluation.

○ Why do you refrain from selling it safely though?
Kao not only ensures the safety of the products delivered to consumers, but also makes it a basic stance of the business to use it with confidence. There is no problem with safety, but Econa cooking oil contains more glycidol fatty acid ester than ordinary oil. In order to eliminate anxiety that some consumers would feel, we decided to refrain from temporary sales until we can reduce the glycidol fatty acid ester contained in the product to the same level as general edible oil.

It is probably the best we can say at the moment that "It is safe for now, but it is uncertain whether it is safe or not in the future". For that reason, as Kao wrote, measures were taken to "refrain from temporary sales until the glycidol fatty acid ester contained in the product can be reduced to the same level as general edible oil". It is because it is absolutely safe to say that it reduces the content.

In other words, it is "gray zone" at the moment regarding safety.

◆ Part 5: The safety of Econa has been regarded as a problem in the past

In February 2006 the following news is on the net.

MyNewsJapan: Econa suggests promotion of cancer in its own research Kao rejects data disclosure

Econa suspected of carcinogenic effect. "Kao asserts that safety is confirmed in the examination," Kao's research result by Kao himself was also found to be gray. The results of this research are also strange to the Food Safety Committee that "browsing is possible but copying is not good".
When requesting data disclosure to Kao, it is the boss of "I can not put out". In other research, I complained "Intermediate presentation" and did not publish my own research, so I urged Kao to disclose information to say "safe and believe".

Also, on August 25, 2009, the Mainichi Newspaper is reporting this issue rapidly.

Econa Oil: Investigating Safety Food Safety Commission - Everyday jp (Mainichi Newspaper)

It is said that there is little information on safety and it is not possible to deny the possibility of changing inside the body to glycidol, which is considered to be carcinogenic. Kao said, "I think safety is not a problem."

Kao immediately fights back with the following release during the same day.

About newspaper report on "Econa Oil Safety Survey"

Regarding the safety of Econa cooking oil and its main component, diacylglycerol (DAG), we have accumulated a lot of evaluations based on the worldwide standardized test method, and based on scientific evidence and objective assessment, safety I confirm that there is no problem with sex. As for carcinogenicity, carcinogenicity has not been recognized as a result of not only basic tests but also assessment by long-term ingestion, which is considered standard in many of the world.

However, on September 11, 2009, the housewives association finally moved to the situation.

The Prime Minister's request for suspension of temporary sale of Tokuho oil "Econa", etc. to Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, Food Safety Commission, Consumer Agency and Kao

[September 11, 2009] "Request for cancellation of approval and temporary suspension of sales of food containing diacylglycerol at high concentration" such as Healthy Econa Cooking Oil (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, other) - Housewife Association Meeting

[September 11, 2009] "Request for cancellation of approval and temporary suspension of sales of food containing diacylglycerol at high concentration" such as Healthy Econa Cooking Oil (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, other) - Housewife Association Meeting

Previous studies have reported results that can not be overlooked by consumers such as increased incidence of breast tumors by rats and suspected promotion of skin carcinogenesis by mice.
Concerns over human health not found in other edible oils have also been pointed out. Moreover, in July this year, "Glycidol Ester" which may generate a new genotoxic carcinogen "glycidol" is called "Healthy Econa Cooking Oil" and "Food containing diacylglycerol at high concentration" It was found that it was contained as a high value as an impurity.

Among the inability to deny the possibility of glycidol ester being converted into "glycidol" in vivo, "food containing diacylglycerol at high concentration" such as "Healthy Econa Cooking Oil" should be recommended and sold as specified food for health use It is a serious problem.

Even now it is sold in large quantities, and infants, pregnant women, the elderly, people with disabilities etc are still taking a state of ingestion. We are forced to say that the responsibility of the food safety administration which has been abandoning the current situation is extremely heavy.

And the Mainland woman asked for "withdrawal of authorization as a food for specified health use and suspension of temporary sales until safety is secured".

In addition, the page of the housewife has various wonderful things written in it.

[September 11, 2009] "Request for cancellation of approval and temporary suspension of sales of food containing diacylglycerol at high concentration" such as Healthy Econa Cooking Oil (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, other) - Housewife Association Meeting

"Food containing diacylglycerol at high concentration" such as "Healthy Econa Cooking Oil" which is hundreds of thousands of tons has been sold for nearly ten years, and a wide range of consumers such as pregnant women, elderly people, disabled people, etc. from infants It has been eaten by.

It is now pointed out by experts that it can not be said that there is a health concern for consumers who eat daily.

Since six years ago, from securing safety until the situation became clear, we decided to withdraw approval as food for specified health use for "food containing diacylglycerol at high concentration" such as "health Econa cooking oil" We have been asking for measures to stop sales, etc., but that opinion was not heard at all.

As the problem of incorporation of glycidol ester is newly reported and the sense of uneasiness among consumers is rapidly rising, the responsibility of the administration is obliged to be heavy.

Why is the carcinogenicity two-stage study carried out, but whether the unusual condition recommended / sold as a food for specified health continues,
Why did you decide on the causes and problems of the system, as administrative authorities, as to whether proper measures to secure food safety were not taken?

Why is the study on "food containing high concentration diacylglycerol" such as "Healthy Econa Cooking Oil" continued for such a long time? While the scientific fact of the new "glycidol ester problem" is still being presented today, We are wondering why the perspective of consumers who are directly affected is not utilized and scientific judgment and proper execution based on it are delayed.

It is noteworthy what kind of development it will be, and future trends.

in Note,   Food,   Column, Posted by darkhorse