Life-size large paper craft of a high-quality link which can not be thought of as paper

Even though it is a paper craft that can be made easily and cheaply, there seems to be some people who have made life-sized figures with presence, pursuing quality.

Although it is paper as a whole, it has a color with a texture and it has a realistic finish.

Details are as below.
Strong stance.

Equipment is also real.

The back is also cool.

I think it is difficult to express the surface because it is paper, but it is real enough.

Each part is also made finely.

Human being able to equip weapons because it is life-size.

It was Haywan Chiu who produced this paper craft. I introduce the process up to completion by using multiple movies.

It looks like using a PC to design.
YouTube - Life-Size Papercraft Link - Progress Report 1

A movie where each finished part can be seen.
YouTube - Life-Size Papercraft Link - Progress Report 8 (2/2)

Other photos and movies etc can be seen from the following.

Life-Sized Link by Haywan | PaperCraft Museum

in Note,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log