Headline news on September 3, 2009

In the current House of Representatives election, the ruling party and the opposition party are reversed, and it is expected that various political systems will change drastically, but the "Teikoku Databank" summarized "Survey on corporate attitudes about decentralization"61.0% of firms responded that" decentralization "is desirable, the business community promoted more decentralization and closely related to daily life, such as by far apart from 14.7% of" centralized (as before, central government) " The trend of wanting economic policy became clear.

On the other hand, some companies worry about "expansion of disparity between regions" accounts for 66.5% of the total, indicating that the disparity in the size of the local economy is worried about the impact on the company's competitiveness.

So, tomorrowSeptember 4. On September 4th one year ago GIGAZINE wrote such an article.

The Ibaraki prefecture council posted on blog posture of dozing parliament, to amend the attendance rules and lock out - GIGAZINE

Art expressing the life in the water taken 70 years ago - GIGAZINE

"Uniblue Driver Scanner" which scans the driver to be updated to the latest version and can also back up and restore the driver - GIGAZINE

Today's headline news.
About the plagiarism problem of Circle Muroran(There is a circle that the same person, using the original novel of the original novel is used for the original manga of their own)

Television station ruined Japanese anime: Nikkei business online(Anime, there seems to be more than 640 production companies of animation in Japan)

"Game is bad for me", but ... ... Yoshiyuki Tomino, inspiring game developers (1/6) - ITmedia News(Game, lecture theme "I will die if I get used to it")

What shape and value of future music to ask Mr. Ryuichi Sakamoto - Phile-web(It is predicted that live things will become the center rather than listening on culture, media and data)

Kazuo Kozo 73-year-old birthday: UMEZZ.com: Kazuo Oshima official website(Manga, September 3rd is Professor Kazuo Masao 73th birthday, celebration commentDrifting bulletin boardPlease

Female voice actor matches female character ranking - Anime ranking - goo ranking(Anime, "Dragon Ball" Son Goku role Nozawa Masako ranked first)

All hands-on participants in the direct phone photo collection of thanks from Miyazawa Sawa of AKB 48 - MSN Sankei News(Entertainment, in principle, a message such as "Thank you Mr. ○○" is blown into the answering machine of the mobile phone)

Go Hiromi Township Guerrilla Live Dancing / Entertainment / Society / Daily Sports online(We performed a boat guerilla live in front of the Guriko signboard of entertainment, Osaka · Dotonbori)

Yoshimoto Kogyo: Investigating unlisting by TOB Investment in Dentsu etc. - Everyday jp (Mainichi Shimbun)(Economy, it seems to acquire shares of founder to get out of clan management)

Peko-chan abducted! Selling away! Arrest of gang group executives: Society: sports report(Blood-nonded crime of stealing society, shop mascot and trading at high price at recycle shop was done)

This "missing" 80% Declining year 10 million yen Theft prevention system Fukuoka city library all 10 villains still unknown / Nishi Nippon Shimbun(Culture, I want to know what kind of satisfaction can be gained by stealing a book that I can borrow for free)

Hyogo Prefectural Police: Inspector who inscribed the boss "Baka Bakkure" on the net to dispose of it - Everyday jp (Mainichi Shimbun)(The net, a police officer has a weight "It is not a work full of justice as much as to say")

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Tokyo Olympic Games, Athlete village points out narrow spot, etc. IOC Report - Sports(In addition to being the lowest 55.5% of international and public opinion support points, pointed out concerns such as the narrowness of the competitor 's village planned place)

Google, "Gmail" Failure Caused Over Processing Capacity of Router - News: ITpro(It is not possible to examine how to estimate the load of the system of that size on the net)

Vulnerability to Japanese input software "ATOK", avoided screen lock - News: ITpro(IT, a vulnerability was discovered that can avoid screen lock limitation without entering user name and password)

Amazon also appealed Google e-books - 47 NEWS (Yoana News)(IT, Google publishes old books will greatly affect Amazon's long tail strategy)

Shinjuku · Village Vanguard "The contents are unknown" Pocket shop department - Shinjuku Keizai Shimbun(It might be an interesting way to buy books, for the time being a tentatively one book)

Online billing for newspaper Now let's pay! JBpress (Japan Business Press)(There is no assurance that one can exceed the current profit level for coverage and billing method)

NRI, estimated the electronic money market in fiscal 2009 to be about 1.32 trillion yen - BB Watch(Economy, it can be used easily, but not as many people use it as credit card)

How do you clear up the blog marketing problem problem? - News: ITpro(It is hard to negotiate when there is a discrepancy between what the advertiser and the blogger want to convey)

Nanapi [Nanapi] | Life recipe sharing site that will make your life convenient in 7 minutes(Life, so-called life hacks are posted like "mountains" as "recipes")

Surprise science on motivation(The facts of threats to behavioral science, incentives and motivation have been revealed)

2 Channels live broadcasting 99% of guppies(Mathematics, thought experiment that understands weight of 1% very well)

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Requesting to organize votes with steak meat arrested Chairman Kumamoto-shi suspect - Society(Politics, violation of the regular election law election law that comes out after the election is over)

Agriculture water former vice minister, rushing down with rush - MSN Sankei News(Politics, premonition that seems to be a rush of falling despite the establishment of a regulation bill)

"Regime change" seen from the Arab | Middle Eastern Diary of the Middle East | Columns & Blogs | Newsweek Japan Official Site(International and Arab as a whole, the image that "I sent an army following the US" is strong)

"I am hated ..." Azuma Ozawa's weight and trouble: Nikkei Business Online(Politics, many aides came away from Izuo Ozawa who respects Yesman)

Ogawa is frightened by Keidanren regime Mitarai undergoes regime crisis - economy · money - ZAKZAK(Relationships are never better as politicians and democracies pursued canon's camouflage contractors)

Twitter's fotolife (2) - temporary burnable garbage cancellation place at the Congressional Hall that is being cleared up. Tuttle is a dream-like wind(I wonder if the image, a tremendous amount of garbage, but information that should not be put out is carelessly out)

What we can not do for brain weather today(Science, Children's Freedom Research Full of Perspectives that Adults Can not Attract)

Industry / iPod falls leading - FujiSankei Business i./Bloomberg GLOBAL FINANCE(IT, was Sony 's new model appealing to consumers against Apple' s novelty lineup?)

4 Gamer.net - DHARMAPOINT, Presentation of microphone "TACTICAL THROAT MICROPHONE" picking up vocal cord vibration. Shut out environmental sound (DHARMAPOINT)(Throat microphone which picks up vibration of the vocal cord directly and transmits it even in the great cheers of the game conference)

Panasonic, 285 g fashion single lens "LUMIX GF 1" - Macro lens with Leica as well: News - CNET Japan(IT, 20 mm pancake lens and 45 mm macro lens also released)

RIHAC Digital Solutions(Kit that can easily add external ink tanks that can continue printing until the printer is broken)

The biggest domestic rocket "H2B" debuts upcoming: News: Universe: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(Science, if the replenishment by HTV equipped with unmanned spacecraft fails, the space station ISS can get food shortage)

A scientist participating in the nuclear test of the former Soviet Union, "Mushroom clouds were amazing" 2 pictures International news: AFPBB News(I scrupulously told that the sky after the experiment was sunny)

NIKKEI NET (Nikkei Net): Earth Pharmaceutical enters the mask High capability to capture demand(Selling a high-function mask that sticks to your face with medical seal, no ear-sealed, at 945 yen)

Rumor "Masayuki Map" was not a bargain - Developers surprised Dragon Quest 9: News - CNET Japan(Game, passing communication has raised more effect than the designer thought)

UK amusement park, preparing for "hypnotism" to overcome fear of vehicles | overbearing of the world | Reuters(I care whether science, memories I got on are properly left)

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Headline news on September 2, 2009 - GIGAZINE

in Headline, Posted by darkhorse_log