A note that you can enjoy even if you make a mistake in writing

I think that there are times when you write something on a paper note with a pen and you can not erase it if you make a mistake, but there are notes you can enjoy even if you make a mistake while writing. Perhaps some people will play without actually using the notebook.

Details are from the following.
It is a note that you can enjoy even if you make a mistake while writing this. The paper size is A4 size.

The back side of the paper is like this.

I made a soccer ball like this when I crumbled the paper by mistake.

There are 8 kinds of ball types. Because there are 48 pages, there are 6 calculations each.

This note is a bronze medal note at the 2007 European Design Awards and is sold at 12.5 euros (about 1700 yen) at the following site.

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in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log