I tried eating at the "Strait" in Yodobashi 8F in Akihabara with a young chicken deep-fried legendary
Various eating and drinking establishments are included on the 8th floor of the "Yodobashi Camera AKIBA Store", but when I made a thing by saying which one I should eat with ~, I made a huge pile of deep-fried chicken "The Strait Yodobashi AKIBA store"I found out that it was" Yoshi, let's do this! "I ate a huge legendary heap young chicken fried chicken.
Details are as below.
I went there,The Strait Yodobashi AKIBA storeis
The entrance looks like this
Store sample food sample, deck at this stage
The price is 550 yen
So in the store
In the menu table the name "Legendary young chicken fried chicken"
In addition to the fried chicken dish this time, "Sausage assorted special selection (788 yen)" and "Aomori prefecture health pig pork grass roast salt grill (998 yen)" "rice" "deep fried linen tofu (578 yen)" etc. Also order
This popcorn
The first thing I arrived was "a special selection of specialty sausage platter", which is quite a lot
This next pot that we arrived was "Fried Mauin Tofu"
It is pretty spicy, though it is stewed with a stew. The meat taste was coming out properly.
"Aomori prefecture health pig's incense herb rock salt grill" arrived
Feeling that vegetables are rolling around
Meat itself has volumes surprisingly and it is odoroki. There is a feeling that there is more than expected.
And finally the heap of a legendary young chicken deep-fried descent, what's this
As you can see the enormousness does not quite show up in the picture, I tried various trials and errors.
From above
I tried putting popcorn on top
Distant view. The container itself is originally a big deal
I tried to stumble with an eagle.
The size of the lunchbox 's chicken steak
Because there is not so much thickness as it is, in terms of image, it feels like "Moschikin"
Because I was piled up trying to rose
A little voluminous to have to eat by two people
Comparison with sausage with bone
Although it is the direction of the key taste, as you can see it is very juicy, the clothes are crispy, it is better to say Hatsuhatsu the freshly made fish. With this I got a pretty good sense of 550 yen, it was good. However, because there is more volume than you can imagine, probably it is the right way to order the karate first and then eat up, then decide the next order while talking with the remaining amount of tummy. The table charge was 399 yen.
If you want to eat only this fried chicken, it's lunch time from 11 o'clock to 16 o'clockFried chicken fried lunch (788 yen)It seems better.
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in Tasting, Posted by darkhorse