Pizza Hut Summer Special in "Bakemonogatari" Pizza Box

You know there's all kind of unique and weird pizzas in Japan, but can you guess what this one is from the picture above? It's this summer's specialty by Pizza Hut Japan.
They started Bakemonogatari campaign on July 6, so when we ordered the "Natsu Toku Set (Summer Value Set)" the pizza came in a box featuring characters from the anime.
Here's our review!
(Japanese)Pizza Hut | Bakemonogatari Campaign
"Natsu Toku Set B", 3,100 yen. Includes "Natsu no Double Roll (Summer Double Roll Pizza)", 2 pieces of "Wafu Chicken (Chicken Japanesque)" and "Bitter Chocolat".

Left half is "Toku Uma Pulkogi (Super Yum Bulgogi)", the other is "Ebifuru Egg (Shrimpfull Egg)".

"Shrimpfull Egg" is mayonnaise based so it doesn't really taste like pizza.

The edges are cut and rolled around tiny hotdogs and cheese.

Five heroines from Bakemonogatari adorn the box.

"Chicken Japanesque".

Soy-sauce based flavour.

"Bitter Chocolat (pronounced sho-co-la)", basically a chocolate cake.

Comes frozen. Thaw while you eat pizza.

You can download wallpapers of Bakemonogatari after ordering pizza. This one features the heroine Hitagi Senjogahara.

Mayoi Hachikuji and Shinobu Oshino.

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