Latest Trailer of "Evangelion 2.0" came out on YouTube, revealing the new "Child" Mari

There's already a teaser trailer and another theatrical trailer posted on the movie's official website, but this one seems new.
This latest trailer of Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance posted on YouTube unveiled some previously undisclosed scenes from the movie, including the new female character "Mari Illustrious Makinami".
Read on for details and pics.
This is the video of what looks like a new theatrical trailer. Supposedly someone filmed the trailer shown at Shibuya during an exhibit, from what we see on the official blog. Shoulder of Unit-01 is reflected in on the bottom left of the screen.
YouTube - Evangelion-not-end

As of 12:20 Monday 15 June, the trailer is not posted on the official website, but with only ten more days to go until the movie's premiere, it's likely to come out any moment. Keep track.
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