The average sleeping time by occupation, the shortest is "person in sales / planning system"

Some people say that the best sleeping time is different and there are people saying "If you do not sleep well for 10 hours," some people say "If you sleep for 3 hours," some people say, but the sites that record sleeping time ·New logAccording to the statistical data of registrants, it seems that the average sleeping time was the shortest among "sales / planning" people.

Details are as below.
The average sleeping time per week is short [Sales / Planning] | Bio Studio Inc. | Press Release Distribution "VF Release"

According to the announcement by BEO Studio Inc. which operates the sleep log, when we investigated average sleeping hours per week by occupation for 4914 men and women in their 20s to 60s, the shortest was "sales · It is said that it was 6.17 hours by a person of the planning system.

Average sleeping hours by occupation

1.Vocational college student 7.18 hours
2.Self employed 7.16 hours
3.Freeter 7.12 hours
Four.Housewife 7 hours
Five.Artist 6.97 hours
6.College student / graduate student 6.96 hours
7.Sales system 6.93 hours
8.Other 6.79 hours
9.Creator system 6.72 hours
Ten.Service industry 6.57 hours
11.Administrative system 6.53 hours
12.Technical system 6.45 hours
13.Public servant 6.42 hours
14.Faculty 6.38 hours
15.IT relationship 6.26 hours
16.Officer / manager 6.23 hours
17.Professional 6.21 hours
18.Sales / planning system 6.17 hours

People who really do not have enough sleep time seem to have no time to respond to the survey, so I do not know how long the actual sleeping time is reflected, but the average sleeping time was the longest in the vocational school It was a result of life. For those who work, self-employed people are ranked higher than homemakers, college students, and graduate students with the longest average sleeping time of 7.16 hours.

In terms of age-specific surveys, the average sleeping time per week is the shortest in their 50s.
The average sleeping time per week is short in [50's] | Bio Studio Inc. | Press Release Distribution 'VF Release'

Average sleeping time by age

1.Teenagers 7.15 hours
2.60's 6.97 hours
3.20's 6.8 hours
Four.Mirai 6.53 hours
Five.30's 6.46 hours
6.Less than teenagers 6.38 hours
7.40's 6.29 hours
8.50's 6.09 hours

Future people entering date of birth as future date are also appearing in the data, but the average sleeping time by age is the longest average sleeping time which is the average sleeping time exceeding 7 hours only in teens.

Survey of Walt Disney JapanJapan seems to have the lowest average sleeping time even in 17 countries around the world, but the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has issued in 2003 HeiseiSleeping guideline review meeting for health promotion report"In general, it is common for sleeping time to be shorter when age is repeated, and since sleeping time for securing comfortable sleep is individual difference, if it is forced to sleep for a long time, it may lower sleep quality is. In the e-Health net of the Ministry of Health, Labor and WelfarePoints for sleepThere are some listed, so if you are concerned about the quality of sleep please refer.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log