Is the GPS unavailable as it is? An American government agency announces an amazing report

Positioning system that can know its own position by using artificial satellite "GPS (Global Positioning System)Is currently installed in various devices such as mobile phones and car navigation systems and it is becoming an indispensable existence anymore but it is said that the government agency in the US pointed out the possibility that it will be unavailable soon.

Because the influence is widespread, it is a matter of great concern, what exactly is it? Also, I care whether the GPS will actually be unusable or not.

Details are as follows.
GPS System Could Begin to Fail Within a Year - Business Center - PC World

According to this article, the Government Accountability Office, the government's auditing body in the United States, is in danger of the GPS becoming unavailable to the Congress
It seems to have reported.

This is because the US Air Force has not invested an appropriate amount of GPS satellites that are scheduled to be launched newly, and if the launch is not done smoothly, the old satellite that is currently being launched will fail after 2010 , There is a risk that the function of GPS stops or falls by interrupting the minimum number of satellites necessary to provide GPS service.

And the Congressional Administration Audit Bureau said that if it falls into this situation it will have a wide range of impact on all GPS users.

According to the following link, the US Air Force has responded to the report of the Congress Administration Audit Bureau, and it is now assumed that there are 30 or more GPS satellites on orbit and August 9 and August 10 In order to launch a new satellite in the early morning of the day, he said that even if the old satellite fails, it will not happen that the number of satellites required to provide the GPS service will be interrupted 24 is.

Air Force Responds to GPS Outage Concerns - Business Center - PC World

Apparently it is unlikely that the GPS will actually be unavailable, but when you think about the failure of launching a new satellite, I am a little anxious.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log