We've visited Taima Temple to see Nara's mascot Sento-kun and his Potential Girlfriend

The new mascot character of Katsuragi city has sent a love letter to Sento-kun, inviting him to a pre-event of Taima-dera(Taima Temple)'s annual festival as we've recently reported.
And the day has come, so we've visited Taima-Dera to see how it goes. Pics after the cut!
We reached there earlish, but the approach to Taima-Dera was already crowded.

Impressive gate.

Gradually the festive mood was building up.

Stalls of foods and games. Surrounded by children despite it being a schoolday, since the local grade-schools all closed at noon for the festival.

Police at work. Lost child announcements were on.

Katsuragi city's new mascot.

Asking the public to submit her name.

Not yet christened, but never too early to sell nicknacks.

Way to the temple was seriously crowded.

It does have beautiful structures.

Finally the stage came in view.

The event will be held on this stage.

The two characters will walk on this Raigei-bashi(Raigei Bridge).

The press waiting for the event.

Sunny and hot weather.

People queuing for vending-machine. It was so hot we were seriously concerned for dehydration.

You need admission fee to sit on the steps to the ko-do(temple's auditorium).

We've spotted Sento-Kun preparing for the event.

Waiting for his cue.

What is he staring at?

At last he entered the stage, with his girlfriend-to-be in tow.

Waving to the audience.

She looks kind of shy.

Sento-kun looks confident, he's already used to limelight.

Hand in hand, how sweet.

Lots of reporters. The event attracted a huge media attention.

Time to get on.

Taking her first baby-step on the bridge.

Crossing the bridge.

Wait, who's that guy? What happened to Sento-kun?

Sento-kun seems happy enough with his buddy.

Not exactly what you call a rendezvous.

Posing for the audience.

The crowd went wild.


The fans were enthusiastic.

So much people.

Now on their way back.

Sento-kun with big black eyes and baby-fat padded cheeks.


When it was looking like they're finally getting on.....

Sento-kun promptly left, leaving her behind.

Looks like she's the one to do all the chasing in this relationship.

Our video report of this peculiar event will be posted soon!
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in Coverage, Posted by darkhorse