New Weapon "SLASH AXE" unveiled for coming Wii title MONSTER HUNTER 3

Monster Hunter 3 (tri-) is the third title in the Monster Hunter franchise, scheduled to be released this summer in Japan for Wii console. Capcom has also stated their wish to release it into the western market.

A new weapon will be introduced to the series in Monster Hunter 3, a highly-destructive and transformable blade called Slash Axe.

Read on for details and pics.
(Japanese)CAPCOM Monster Hunter 3(tri-)

This is the "Slash Axe". The ax's blade will slide and become double-headed when unsheathed.

Sharp and heavy-looking.

Taking a vertical swing. Must be deadly.

You can use it underwater.

A demo of Monster Hunter 3 is bundled with Wii game Monster Hunter G released on April 23rd.

in Game, Posted by darkhorse_log