Statistical evidence of the motive behind "looks" and "economic strength"

As a criterion for male evaluation for a long time "Looks" and "Economic power" came as two major elements, but it is obvious by research in the UK that a new element is effective as "Mote element" became. It may be exactly the gospel for some people, as it has been statistically proven what has been told in the idea.

Details are below.
Who gets the girl? Funny men have the last laugh ... | Mail Online

Christopher McCarty, a psychologist at the University of North Ambria, UK, said that funny men were statistically proved to be more intelligent and reliable and more likely to be judged to be able to sustain good relationships at the British Psychology Association Announced.

In the survey conducted by Mr. McCarty, attention is paid to advertisements in "foreign sex friends recruitment" column of general newspaper in other countries. I told 45 questionnaires on which advertisement men would be attractive. I did not give any other information and showed only the text, and when I took a questionnaire, it was more interesting and laughing than advertisements that told the fact indifferently It gave a result that gives an evaluation that "more intelligent" is given to advertisements such as inviting something. I also found that there is a tendency to tell that intelligent men who have such interesting advertisements are likely to build better relationships.

Mr. McCarty said "This is so-calledHalo effectIt is like something, and funny men tend to be regarded as having whatever qualities they need. From a woman's point of view, intellectual men do not care enough for their children, nor die from making a big mistake. And I think that a fun male is more interesting than a boring businessman is fun. "

By the way, when men say "I like a woman with humor," he does not actually like interesting ladies, but he often thinks "I like women who smile at my joke", said Mr. McCarty I am talking about, and further research will be awaited in the future.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log