Motorcycle Drill by Female Police Officers at Tokyo Motorcycle Show 2009

Motorcycle police officers are one of the best riders in Japan. They train really really hard for their duty on road with their high-performance motorcycle. Among them, there are a few female motorcycle officers. Metropolitan Police Female Motorcycle Officers Squad "Queen Stars" showed their motorcycle drill in Tokyo Motorcycle Show 2009 held at Tokyo Big Sight.
It's so awesome that for their high and uniform motorcycle skills the engine sound of each bike makes steady rhythm. How could they done this by 400 pound monster motorcycle? It's just amazing.
Read on for elegant and sharp riding techniques of female motorcycle officers!
At first, they gave a tutorial for basic riding positions for civilian riders. Their motorcycle is a cutomized version of Honda VFR800.
It's natural for motorcycle officers but every single maneuver is accurate and solid. As you hear from the engine sound, they accelerate and decelerate so smooth. What they are describing is just a basic theory but it's far from boring.

They always check six whenever they start their bike. So exemplary.

Demonstration of difference in braking distance due to three usages, back only, front only, both back and front, of brakes. You should have heard of it in driving school, but should not have tested it your self. There's significant difference among them.

Cornering method tutorials: "Lean with" style. Notice that the tire and officer's spine are making straight line.

"Lean out" style: Used on slow and small corners.

"Lean In" style: putting upper body inside the corner so you could make fast and small turn. You don't have to do it in ordinary ocasion, but officers have to do this to make small turns because they can't lean the motorcycle too much due to their engine guards.

And here comes the motorcycle drill.
Very slow running with arrowhead formation. See how steady they are.

Two bike crosing. Only their uniform level of skill enable this acrobat.

Going around the passing motorcycle. So small gyration radius.

Moving in one piece like syncronised swimming.

Celemonial Shooting. Salute!

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