Enzymes that can be made fat body to eat even if eaten are found

Enzymes that play a role in controlling fat are considered to be considered to be the key to preventing obesity, diabetes, heart disease, etc. Operating this enzyme seems to make it possible to become a type of body that is highly envious from some people that you do not get fat if you eat or eat it.

Details are as below.
Fat enzyme explains why some people do not get flabby - Telegraph

It seems that scientists discovered that mice who lost the enzyme "MGAT 2" that determines whether to accumulate energy under the skin near the waist do not overweight even if you eat high fat diet. Also, the mouse without MGAT 2IGTIt did not become fat, hepatocytes did not get fat. MGAT2 is an enzyme common to mouse and humanMGATIt seems that it is thought that it is possible to cope with obesity by suppressing action by medicine with one of them.

In a study by Dr. Robert Farese of the University of California, mice that operated MGAT 2 gained 40% less weight than normal mice after 16 weeks, and the amount of fat carried was less than 50% less. It also seems that harmful cholesterol in the blood, which also causes heart disease, also decreased. In a further long-term experiment, the mouse without MGAT 2insulinIs small,glucoseThe result is that intolerance improves.

It is believed that modern humans become obese because of the functions of thousands of years ago when mankind has not been able to afford a rich diet, and the MGAT enzyme plays an important role as an energy storage device It seems to be playing the role, but people who are anxious about obesity without eating meals may be done from now on to stop the function of this enzyme for treatment.

in Note,   Food, Posted by darkhorse_log