Figure-related Exposition "Wonder Festival" coming back in July

The largest exposition of plastic models and figures in Japan "Wonder Festival", which was postponed due to the escalator accident at the place, is going to be held this July. The venue will be changed from Tokyo Big Sight to Makuhari Messe, Chiba.
Read on for detail.
(Japanese)Wonder Festival
According to the unofficial announcement, the next Wonder Festival is to be held on July 26th, 2009(Sunday) at Makuhari Messe, Chiba.
"Wonder Festival" is the largest exposition of plastic models and figures manufacuturer in Japan. In last "Wonder Festival 2008 Summer", the accident occured at the escalator in the site caused injuries. "Wonder Festival 2009 Winter", which was scheduled on Feb. 15th 2009, was canceled and there has been no announcement made of the next exposition since then.
Makuhari Messe is the second largest and approved show space after Tokyo Big Sight, famous for the event such as "Tokyo Motor Show", "Tokyo Game Show", various live concerts, and so on. Once they even held "Comic Market" known as Comiket.
There will be press release by executive committee of Wonder Festival soon on their official site. For now, let's celebrate the coming back.
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in Note, Posted by logc_nt