When a girl entered the washing machine, an accident occurred that the younger brother inserted a switch and the girl died

In a California state mission Viejo, a painful accident happened that a 4 year old girl died in the washing machine. This accident occurred in just 2 minutes when the mother's eyes were released, the cause seems to be because the younger brother who is 1 year old and 3 months has switched on the washing machine.

Details are as below.
Girl dies after being trapped in washing machine

The accident happened at Mission Viech of Orange County, California. Where Kayley Ishii (4) entered the climbing to a front loading type washing machine at home (a type that puts laundry from the front like a drum type washing machine instead of a top loading type putting old laundry) , It seems that her brother who is 1 year old and 3 months has accidentally switched on the washing machine. When Kayley was found, the inside of the washing tub was filled with water, and Kayley had died.

An accident happened just two minutes after my mother's eyes on Kayley, and my mother does not know why Kayley was trying to climb the washing machine. According to the sheriff, the younger brother was able to push the switch because the washing machine's start button was located 20 inches (about 50 cm) from the floor.

I often hear the accident that a child is hiding the hide and seek and get in the refrigerator and suffocate, but the washing machine seems to be pretty dangerous for young children. In this way, there are lots of danger lurking inside the house ...

in Note, Posted by logc_nt