Attack notice to Indian right-wing organization, who is excited with Valentine's Day

It is said that enthusiastic right-wing organizations announced attacks against people trying to celebrate Valentine's Day by saying that it is "contrary to Indian culture." In Japan, there are not so many people who believe in religion, accepting various cultures relatively forgiving, but there seem to be some countries that do not do so.

Details are as below.
Renuka warns Karnataka govt as Ram Sena renews V-Day threat-India-The Times of India

Sri Rama Sene enthusiastic right-wing organization that issued a notice of attack. We notified educational institutions and restaurants and others not to celebrate Valentine's Day and said that they are also giving warnings to gifts for Valentine's Day and Greeting Cards.

Sri Rama Sene group leader · Pramod Mutalik sent a letter to "Times of India" "Valentine's Day is clearly not Indian culture, we are not allowed to bless any blessings against Valentine's Day" It seemed to have been. Pramod also wrote to the minister and the governor to send a document to stop Valentine's Day and warned police and hotels to celebrate the Valentine's Day and make a brochure to educate young people.

Sri Rama Sene is advocating crackdown on morals and saying that she plays a slut against a woman at the barMultiple people violence, And the Minister of Rainka Chowdhary who is in charge of female and child development to the governmentRequest to take some kind of countermeasureI heard he did.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log