Headline news on February 5, 2009

Today from February 5The 60th Sapporo Snow FestivalIt began. About 5,600 snow is used with 5 ton trucks and about 287 snow statues are displayed at three venues at the Odori venue, Tsuda venue and Susukino venue in Sapporo city. It is said that it will be held for 7 days until February 11 (Wednesday, holiday), so if you are interested, why do not you go out.

So, tomorrowFebruary 6. On February 6th one year ago, I wrote such an article at GIGAZINE.

"WS-Slideshow" which can install a high-performance and nice looking slide show using Flash - GIGAZINE

Throwing down the baby from the 4th floor and rescuing from the fire, all the remaining families sacrificed - GIGAZINE

Barcode Yourself, a free online service that allows you to create your own personal information bar code yourself - GIGAZINE

Today's headline news.Recording also measures audience ratings, judges programs by TV audio ... Video research: News: Entertainment: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(In response to criticism that current viewership rates which can only measure viewing data at the time of economics and program broadcasting do not reflect actual conditions)

From Honda's hybrid car "Insight" 1,890,000 yen - MSN Sankei News(Economy, long-awaited low price hybrid will be released on February 6)

To the World's First Electric Car of Sports Type Mitsubishi - MSN Sankei News(Economy, first show in Switzerland's "Geneva International Auto Show" in March)

200 million yen tiara robbery "Pink Panther" 2 arrest warrants to foreigners - MSN Sankei news(International robbery groups seem to exist even outside cases, movies and novels)

FNN news: Fictitious writes to talent's Smiley Kikuchi's blog Documented 18 male and female documents(By writing the factless fact that it is involved in concrete murder of a girl high school student in social, Adachi-ku)

Everyone's news: Hit CD grocery store that does not enter Oricon accounts for 90% of sales 600,000 - Everyday jp (Mainichi Shimbun)(Entertainment, cover album by unknown female singer via village vanguard is a big hit)

Rugby: Toshiba Roamanu from cannabis - Daily jp (Mainichi Shimbun)(Although sports, Michael Phelps' hemp suction photo was just talked about, but even in the Japanese sports world)

FNN News: The race of the annual Empire State Building rushing up in the US and New York Competition(Sports, 1st place German male is 86th floor · 1576 steps in 10 minutes and 7 seconds)

FNN News: Event celebrating the 50th birthday of the Barbie doll at Nuremberg, Germany(Toys, appearance is eternal 20 years old)

Showa daily: Where is this place? The 32nd Land "Lighthouse" - Everyday jp (Mainichi Newspaper)(Photo, old and prestigious residential area as well)

Promising pass for 'a non-slippery sand' for aircraft maintenance - ANA delivers amulets at Haneda - Haneda economic newspaper("Examination," Slip prevention "to attach to the tip of a tool such as a driver to rotate the screw accurately in aircraft maintenance)

From Machida 'Ume Festival' to Yushima Tenjin with a Single - Romance Car 'MSE' Temporary Driving - Machida Keizai Shimbun(Train service, operation for 4 days from 14th, 15th, 21st, and 22nd February)

Asahi.com (Asahi Newspaper): long-established railway model Mercury filed for bankruptcy Germany - business(Although it is said that there were many enthusiasts in Japan with an economy, an elaborate railroad model)

Examination and me: The 7th "Study is until the library closes.Sleep is 8 hours" Junya Kondo (President of Hatena) - Everyday jp (Mainichi Shimbun)(Education, "It was fun to solve the problem of Kyoto University, I thought that I felt that I fell, I feel like that")

The unreasonable problem that I came from college tests: VIPPER I(There is something that makes me think as if it is misunderstood (memo, write my name with kanji (score 50 points) and amuse me (17 points)

Withdrawal of dozens in Japan's comprehensive estate: compensation settled at 1 million yen solved from 420,000 yen - everyday jp (Mainichi Newspaper)(It seems that withdrawal of planned doors stands out in the economy, housing and real estate industry)

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): "Mostly convinced" "Always brewing" Talking about the wave of the Nakaten incident - Society(It seems that the case of the Arab fellow raised funds from the Arab friends, but ruined the police forced investigation)

Runaway truck: 8.5% decrease, going away from the runaway tribe Small scale and aging also - Everyday jp (Mainichi Shimbun)("Small-scale · aging" progresses, such as more than half of society and adults)

"North, Taepodong No.2 can launch on the 16th" | Japanese JoongAngIlbo | Central Japan(Politics, 16th is the birthday of Kim Jong Il so there is a possibility of launch)

CNN.co.jp: Nazi war criminal "death doctor", death and German coverage 17 years ago(Overseas, involved in the Jewish genocide continued escaping from judgment of the law)

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Love Ai Iijima causes pneumonia, disease death · Nikkan Sports Entertainment News - Film · Music · Entertainment(Entertainment, found not only by dissection but also by pathological examination to examine cells)

Sad ... I got an engagement ring: romance · marriage · divorce: say Komachi: Otemachi cho: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(Marriage, many opinions say "Let's face the future than the past")

Nomenclature to apply even after 10 years (1) Nine articles for writing "not usable" sentences: ITpro(Technique, you need tips, not talents to write 'not usable' sentences)

Easy exercise makes haste UP beautiful degree · Men's degree! How to train "MOTOR muscle" by gender - [Body care] All About(Exercise, training collection to tighten and train trunk)

Municipal transition Parapara map(History, it seems that municipalities that were divided were integrated into one)

NYTimes.com Offers Available APIs! What to make with 2.8 million article databases! Is it? - IDEA * IDEA ~ 100 Managers' Life Hack Blog ~(It seems likely to be able to create a traffic accident frequent area map etc. in combination with web service, Google map etc.)

JAXA | About the current situation of the asteroid explorer "Hayabusa" - Ion engine re-ignition, to start the second phase orbital conversion for earth return -(Note, special techniques are necessary for reprogramming spacecraft)

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Solving "834092 × 0.124232" in 5 seconds Small 3 - Society(Mathematics, it seems that you can do mental arithmetics at super high speed)

Us Airways Flight 1549: US Airways Flight 1549 Towed Through Jersey Streets(Overseas, it seems that aircraft of US Airway company landing on the Hudson River arrives lately)

I want to write in the finding field of the notification table, but I can not write it (represent the personality)(Education, paraphrasing expressions are being softly paraphrased)

YouTube - Track shooting vehicles on Google Street View(Movie, Silver Prius seems to be Google car)

Why do people teach you? (3)? Internet - Latest news: IT-PLUS(Internet service, you can tell whether you can trust if you have a remark record even if you are anonymous)

Asahi.com: Wild dog at Nara park / 13 deaths in six months - My Town Nara(Will society, Sengokun are weak against dogs as well)

Emergency department specialist, all retiring Emergency center of Tori Big Hospital - NetNihonkai - Nihonkai newspaper(Retirement after losing patience due to inadequacy of medical, personnel and facilities)

Shake the rally world! Mitsubishi withdrew from Paridaka - Motor sports news: nikkansports.com(Motor sports, "Motorsports department" holding about 20 members is dissolved, almost everyone has been transferred to "EV (Electric Vehicle) Development Department")

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Headline news on February 4, 2009 - GIGAZINE

in Headline, Posted by darkhorse_log