I tried "Capillar Flu A + B" which can be inspected immediately in 15 minutes whether it is influenza
Last year, GIGAZINE editorial department had a very bitter experience that various factors such as poor ventilation, high hermeticity, unhealthy, etc. overlapped, the influenza developed one after another, collapsed, and the influence on article creation was greatly affected However, taking advantage of that reflection, we inherited influenza vaccine properly in advance, and also vaccinated with pneumonia that severely complicated at a high probability when the onset of influenza vaccine did not work effectively, and furthermore, I bought a kit that allows me to quickly examine whether it is influenza in 15 minutes to withdraw from the editorial department as soon as it is influenza and to retreat at home.
And one of the editorial staff who came to me earlier said that "Whole body is bad physical condition due to muscle pain ... ..." and so on, this influenza virus test kit "Capillia Flu A + BI actually tried using it.
Details are as below.
This is "Capillia Flu A + B". I have 10 tests in it.
The inside looks like this, it is a test plate · specimen extract · sterile cotton swab · filter attached nozzle.
I tried to remove two tests
This is a sterile swab
The test plate is in such a bag and let's open it just before using it
This is a specimen extract
How to use is like this
Put the cotton swab in the back of the nose and put it in the specimen extract
Feeling to let the specimen properly pinch from the side of the swab tip so that the specimen properly enters the extract
I could not see it well in the picture, but I could extract it properly. Easy and easy.
Then, attach the nozzle to the tip
And this is the test plate. There was a desiccant together.
Drip 3 drops into the recessed part at the right end.
Waiting 15 minutes, the line came clearly. It seems that it is not influenza this time.
2009/01/23 14:19 Addendum
In fact you can do the same kind of examination even if you go to the hospital. "Capilia Flu A + B" is just an aid for diagnosis and can not be confirmed diagnosis, so is influenza? It is good to have it inspected at the hospital as soon as possible.
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