133 Yokai Statues on Mizuki Shigeru Road
There are 133 bronze statues of GeGeGe no Kitaro and other yokai (Japanese folklore creatures, both evil and friendly) on Mizuki Shigeru Road, Skaiminato, Tottori. We found them all!
Pics after the cut!
"Mizuki Shigeru Road Yokai Guidebook", sold at souvenir shops and tourist information center at 100 yen. Also works as rally sheet for a stamp rally.
The guidebook shows location of the statues with discription of each yokai.
Find these rubber stamps.
So these are the 133 statues. Sorted by number according to the guide book. Link on the statue's name jumps to pics on Sakaiminato Guide for Sight Seeing. Parenthesized links are English descriptions on each yokai.
"Shigeru Mizuki at work"
2. Kitaro
3. Nezumi Otoko (Rat Man)
4. Medama Oyaji (Old man Eyeball)
5・6・7. Kappa no Sanpei, Tanuki, Kappa (Kappa and Tanuki)
8・9. Kitaro Post
10. Shinigami (Death)
11・12. Kirinjishi and Shojo (Local lion dance featuring Qilin and Shojo)
13. Raiju (Thunder Beast)
14. Nurarihyon (Nurarihyon)
15. Garappa (Southern Kyushu yokai similar to Kappa)
16. Akaname (Filth licker)
17. Tanokami (Deity of rice paddy)
18. Kuchisake Onnna (Split-Mouth Woman)
19. Aonyoubou (Blue woman)
20. Bakezouri (Hocus Sandal)
21. Tofu Kozou (Tofu Boy)
23. Yamawaro (Mountain bandit)
24. Sunekosuri (Shin rubber)
25. Tsurube-Otoshi (Bucket dropper)
26. Kaji-Babaa (lit. Smith hag; a wolf possessed by the ghost of blacksmith's wife)
27. Wanyudo (Wheel monk)
28. Kappa
29. Sodehiki Kozou (Sleeve-tugger Boy)
30. Neko Musume (Cat Girl, girlfriend of Kitaro)
31. Nurikabe (Plaster wall)
32. Yanari (House Squeaker)
33. Shu no Bon (Red Tray)
34. Uminyoubou (Wife of Sea)
35・36. Kitaro and Medama Oyaji
37. Kawazaru (River Monkey)
39. Shiro uneri (White Swell)
40. Kurabokko (Warehouse troll)
41. Ashinaga Tenaga (Long Legs Long Arms)
42. Kawauso no bakemono (Shifting Otter )
43. Keukegen (Fluffy hair monster)
45. Konoha Tengu (Foliage Tengu)
46. Amefuri Kozou (Rainfall Lad)
47. Kitaro
49. Medama Oyaji
50. Suppon no Yurei (Ghost of Chinese Soft-shelled Turtle)
51. Azukiarai (Bean washer)
52. Ohaguro Bettari (female yokai with pitch black ohaguro teeth)
53. Kamikiri (Hair cutter)
54. Ittan Momen (Cotton bolt)
55. Iwami no Ushioni (Ushi-oni of Iwami)
56. Nezumi Otoko
58. Abura-sumashi (Oil Presser)
59. Kashabo (A prankster yokai clad in blue with onion-shaped head, about the height of a 6-year-old. Dogs can see him but human can't)
60. Mamedanuki (Bean Badger)
61. Tenjo Name (Ceiling Licker)
62. Kaju (One of the "twelve apostles" of Akuma-kun)
63・64. "Akuma-kun and Mephisto on a Magic Circle"
65. Harionago (Barbed woman)
66. Tsuchi Korobi (Soil fall)
67. Zashiki Warashi (Chamber child)
68. Maruge (lit. Round Fur; Furrly little yokai in the guise of piggy bank who disappears once the bank is full)
69. Daruma (Daruma doll come to life)
70. Kanedama (Gold Spirit)
71. Oomotogami (Guardian god of the village)
72・73. "NonNonBa and Me"
74・75. "Master Mizuki in top hat"
76・77. "Baby Kitaro and his Father"
78. Salaryman Yamada (No supernatural being, just your average salaryman who frequents Mizuki's mangas)
79. Hyoutoku (Droll fellow)
80. Koropokkuru (Koro-pok-guru)
81. Kani Bozu (Monster Crab)
82. Majo no Hanako (Hanako the Witch)
Donated by popular manzai comedian Daisuke Miyagawa.
83. Tankororin (Persimmon left unharvested come to life)
84. Hitotsume Kozou (One-eyed boy)
85. Iwana bozu (Monster Trout)
86. Soroban Kozou (lit. Abacus Boy)
87. Enma Daio (Great King Enma)
88. Ryu (Dragon)
89. Betobeto san (Sticky Steps; footsteps that follow you in the dark)
90. Samuto no Banba (A young girl disappeared one day to come back 30 years later as a Yamamba)
91. Makura kaeshi (Pillow flipper)
93. Iju (Otherworldly beast)
95. Konaki Jijii (Old Crybaby; Bawls like a baby in dark streets. Becomes heavier and heavier when concerned passersby pick him up in their arms.)
96. Dorotabou (Muddy Paddy Boy)
97. Tesso (Iron Mouse)
98. Rokurokubi (Rokurokubi)
99. Azukihakari (red beans measurer)
100. Hyakume (Hundred Eyes)
101. Sunakake Baba (Sand throwing Hag)
102. Takekiridanuki (Bamboo cutting Badger)
Donated by novelist Hajime Kanzaka of Slayers.
103. Nekomata (Monster Cat)
104. Te no Me (Eye on Hand)
105. Sagari (Hanging: Horse head monster hanging from a branch of Japanese Hackberry. People succumb to fever after witnessing it.)
106. Hososhi (Four-eyed Oni from Toriyama Sekien's Konjaku Hyakki Shui
"Yokai Hiroba (Yokai Plaza)"
Watch Kitaro peeing in this video of Yokai Hiroba. The steam rise periodically.
107. Kitaro. He's dressed like this since we visited around Christmas.
108・109. Kappa and Tanuki
110. Kappa no Sanpei (Sanpei the Kappa)
111. Akuma-kun
112. Azukiarai
113. Sazae-oni
114. Gangi Kozo
115. Nezumi Otoko (Rat Man)
116. Miage Nyudo
117. Chochin Kozo (Lantern Boy)
118. Kawa Akago(River Infant)
120・121. "Tower of GeGeGe no Kitaro"
122. Amikiri (Net Cutter)
123. Yama Waro (Mountain Bandit)
124. Kijimunaa (Spirit of Gajumaru tree from Okinawa)
125. Nure On-na (Wet Woman)
126. Baku (Dream Eater)
127. Tatami tataki (Tatami Beater)
128. Taka On-na (High Woman)
129. Gasha Dokuro (Rattling Skeleton)
130. Nuppeppou (Dead Flesh)
131. Kasabake (Monster Umbrella)
132. Momonjii (Old Hundred-hundreds: Old man wandering waste lands. People fall ill after witnessing him. )
133. Kokekakiikii (A deity invented by Shigeru Mizuki who cries "Kokekakiikii")
Collect 20 or more stamps in the stamp rally to get this original sticker.
Collect all stamps for the finisher's certificate.
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