Girls in swimsuits and bathed in Kentucky Fried Chicken sinks are fired

At Kentucky Fried Chicken in Anderson, California, girls who took a bath in a bathing suit and washed the dishes in the store after closing were dismissed after uploading the photos taken online.
Details are as below.
Girls fired after soak in sink: News: Redding Record Searchlight
The girls posted their photos on an SNS called MySpace. Knowing this, the Kentucky Fried Chicken manager first suspended the girls and sentenced them to dismissal the next day. 'Kentucky's work standards are absolute, and if you violate it, you'll be fired immediately,' said a Kentucky Fried Chicken spokesman, saying that the same thing isn't happening at other stores. ..
The photos on MySpace look like the following.
Photos on MySpace News: Redding Record Searchlight

Environmental health experts who saw the photo said the girls violated Health Code 113971 that restaurant workers must wear clean clothes, and the sink was not made for humans. So I answered that I should not enter.
A movie where you can see the store where the girls in question worked.
YouTube --KFC Fires 3 Girls after taking Bath and Provocative Pictures!

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