"Dame packing" service starts wrapping gifts into gifts

Speaking of packaging for ordinary gifts, ribbons that are tightly bound to clean wrapping paper are standard, but it seems that there are suppliers who offer services that do not inconceivable gift packing just pasting gum tape. Whatever grudge does it do such a thing?

Details are below.
Shall we wrap your wife's gift as badly as you'd do it yourself, sir ?: The present service that makes her think he's bothered | Mail Online

British retailersFirebox.comIn addition to ordinary packaging, CrapWrap (meaning "dummy packaging") is used for customers who like jokes saying "People who sent wrapped properly do not receive a cold feeling" We are offering services.Description of service"I am doing my best to become the worst packing", and I am showing a lot of disasters with a lot of enthusiasm.

Tape found on the shelf, wrapped paper made by hand, uneven fold etc perfectly suitable

As you can see the jokes in the luggage, the seal will be stuck "I packed it carefully for you"

Let's see the work with the image image by Firebox.com. The wrapping paper is appropriately taped after proper wrapping

The tape is cut with teeth to give a sense of properness

The inspector who carefully tests the noises

Mr. Kevin Smith, the shipping charge and doing the best in-house packaging in the company, said, "Anyway I told you to use a lot of tapes and wrap them with wrapping paper properly, I am tired because I usually have to do it properly, but this CrapWrap is soooooo crazy I can change my feeling even if I can, "commented.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log