A criminal who became a face like another person with an increase in tattoo during five years

There seems to be a criminal in Colorado where a face picture taken when a criminal committed a crime five years ago and a face picture taken at the moment were completely different. There are tattoos on my face a little in the photographs I took in the past, but in my newly photographed pictures my face is full of tattoos and it is very difficult to distinguish at the first glance if it is the same person.

Details are as below.
Mug Shot Metamorphosis - December 4, 2008

A photograph of Michael Campbell when the left was arrested by theft in 2003, when the right was arrested on drug possession in 2008.

If you look closely you can see that you have the same face, but the hairstyle has changed and it looks like a different person.

At the moment only the ear has no tattoo, is it not yet completed?

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log