Looks like soy sauce, contents are orange juice "Nancha Orange" tasting review

Celio went to target uke with full power, as if it is an orange juice like a bottle of soy sauce "Nanka Orange". It was sold in eastern Japan from November 10, but since December 1 was a nationwide release, I bought it and tried drinking immediately.

The design of the bottle is almost soy sauce, but what is the contents like?

Details are as below.
The cap is also red in soy sauce-like atmosphere and atmosphere is out

If you look closely at the label you will find that it is not soy sauce

Orange juice 10%

No soy sauce is contained

In order to avoid misunderstanding as much as possible, letters are also in the bottom of the bottle

Notice that "This is not soy sauce"

It is also written in English

It is dangerous to manage and drink real soy sauce, so be careful

I tried it in a cup. Black is not just a label

It seems to be black with caramel pigment. It is not orange juice how it looks

The taste was just orange juice with a sour and strong cheesy feel. Because the color is far from orange juice, some people may feel a strange taste. Because these jokes products are likely to create misunderstandings, it is likely that various difficulties will arise from commercialization until after sales. However, since it is very interesting as a story, I expect the second bullet to appear.

in Gastronomic Adventure, Posted by darkhorse_log