Shampoo to wash men themselves (vulnerability / weaknesses) from Germany

There seems to be a little unusual shampoo called "EIER SHAMPOO" in Germany. "EIER SHAMPOO" when translated directly is "egg shampoo", but it is not like a shampoo made of eggs which are generally lining up on the table, it seems to be a shampoo washing "egg" attached to a certain part of a man.

It may be predictable in general, but let's see what is washable and what it is. There is also a movie.

Details are from the following.
Un champu cojonudo | Desvariando Ando: Humor, imagenes, videos y curiosidades

This is "EIER SHAMPOO". The content volume is 350 ml, it seems that it is sold at around 6 euros to around 8 euros (from 750 yen to around 1000 yen).

If you look at this picture, you know where to wash it.

A mascot of "EIER SHAMPOO" has been asked about duties.

A movie questioning whether you know "EIER SHAMPOO" on the street. I do not seem to know much.
YouTube - Radio Airline - Eier-Shampoo

If you search on "EIER SHAMPOO" you will find lots of selling sites, so you may want to watch those who are interested.

in Note,   Posted by darkhorse_log