Is it because of the gene that can not be slashed? Genotype is classified into six

Some people who have failed in fat people and diet say things like "It is a constitution that is easy to gain weight", "Because it is a hard-feeling constitution", I think that there is something that makes an excuse somehow, but it is not a serious mistake is.

According to American diet experts, it seems that the method of fat is determined by genes, and the coping method will be different depending on each genetics. According to the article, it is divided into six types, it seems that if you grasp what type your genes apply to and know the right measures, you can easily maintain your figure. Is it true?

Let's see what sort of type there is.

Details are from the following.
How to beat genes that make you gain weight | The Sun | Woman | Health | Health

■ Hunter type

It is tall, thin and preeminent. Many people are blood type O type. The ring finger is longer than the index finger. There are problems with blood glucose levels, and many people have allergies like asthma and rheumatoid arthritis. There is a tendency to run out if it is too stressful.

· Recommended food

In the case of meat, you should eat chicken, lean meat and high protein area. Fish is also good. Vegetable juice?
Eat green vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, spinach.

· Food good to refrain from

It is better to avoid pulses such as wheat and cereals such as corn · green beans.

· Recommended exercise

Running and aerobics

■ Collection type

It is short and feet are short. It has an oval contour. Many people type B blood type. The index finger is longer than the medicine finger. Immune power is strong, but there is a possibility that it may get cancer related to hormones.

· Recommended food

Low GIFood · High protein food. Recommended lamb, turkey, egg, salmon and cod.

· Food to withhold

You had better refrain from carbohydrates such as bread, rice, and noodles.

Recommended exercise

Aerobic exercise such as walking is good.

■ Teacher type

There is a stamina with a strong and powerful figure. Height is average, body fat percentage is low, metabolism is good. It is also characterized as straight hair. A type is more common to people.

· Recommended food

Vegetables, nuts, legumes, cereals, pasta, cereals, etc. It seems that cod and trout are also good.

· Food to avoid

You should avoid lean meat and seafood such as scallops, lobster and oyster.

· Recommended exercise

Slow motion like yoga or golf is good.

■ Explorer type

It is muscular and stingy, the shoulder width is wide and the buttocks are small. Many people are relatively torso and short legs. Body fat percentage is common, metabolism is not good. It is susceptible to caffeine and hormones and tends to suddenly complain. Women of this type may be afflicted with infectious diseases.

· Recommended food

It is good to take foods rich in iron, such as cheese. Also, that beans are also nice.

· Food to avoid

Avoid alcohol and caffeine drinks and processed foods.

· Recommended exercise

Cycling is recommended.

■ Nomad type

There are few average people in height, extremely tall or low extreme. Eye color is red with red hair.BMI valueAlthough it is high, it is often caused by the large amount of muscle. Alzheimer's possibility is relatively high, digestive organs are also weak. There are many people of type B · AB type. Optimistic personality.

· Recommended food

Foods rich in fatty acids such as salmon and mackerel are good.

· Food to avoid

Avoid gluten, barley, and oatmeal.

· Recommended exercise

You should do Tai Chi or Mei.

■ Warrior type

While I am young, I am tall and have long legs and young looks, but in middle age my metabolism worsens and I tend to suddenly get fat. The shape of the face is eggs. This type is also a high risk of getting diabetes. Immune power is high and soon recovers from disease. There are many types A and AB types.

· Recommended food

Vegetable in general. High food of protein like nuts and fish is also good.

· Food to avoid

You should avoid high-calorie processed foods such as cakes and bread.

· Recommended exercise

Aerobic exercise like walking or swimming

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log