Huge personal archive with precious items that can be placed in the museum

A person who likes books is a huge library for individuals that everyone is longing for.Franklin RooseveltWritten by the measures to win the Second World War and used in the Apollo programSaturn V rocketIn addition to rare books such as the instruction manual "007 Die · Another · Day"Chandelier that appeared in the world and the world's first artificial satelliteSputnik 1It seems there are people who have archives that are worthwhile items such as backups, and the pictures that are exciting just by looking are released.

Details are as below.
Browse the Artifacts of Geek History in Jay Walker's Library

The following picture is a library of Jay Walker, the founder of Walker Digital. It seems that there are 3,600 square meters in 3 levels.

A floor with a chandelier that appeared in "007 Die · Another Day ·" bought at the auction.

Illustrations of human surgical methods published for the first time in the world and things related to anatomy such as eye prostheses used in "Adams Family".

Models of the moon with signs of the astronauts who walked on the moon and things related to the universe such as maps revealed for the first time that the earth is not the center of the solar system.

Nazi · Germany used itEnigma cryptographic machine, And the signature of Steve Wozniak enteredApple IIMotherboard etc.

Experimental aircraft with advancing wingsX-29The room where the model and sputnik's backup are placed.

Because it is such a library, there are many books that have been changed, such as books decorated with jewels and guidance books on custom manners.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log