Scheduled to be released in October 2008 Game List 【Xbox 360 編】

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The sales of hardware is good due to the price cut greatlyThere are six software items scheduled to be released this month for Xbox 360.

Consumer transplant version of the popular series latest work "Grand Theft Auto IV" and the long-awaited shooting gamer "Raiden IV" will be on sale,

Details are as below.

Raiden Ⅳ

· Genre
3D vertical scroll shooting
Transplant with 2 new stages added to arcade version "Raiden IV". In addition to "Xbox 360 Mode" which adjusted enemy placement and difficulty level, elements such as "World Rankings" which compete with players nationwide using Xbox LIVE are added. Soundtrack CD is bundled as a bonus.
7140 yen (tax included)
· Scheduled release date
October 2

Guitar Hero Aero Smith

· Genre
Rhythm guitar action
A new version containing more than 40 new songs, centered on Aerosmith's songs. In the career mode, it traces the trajectory of acquiring fame by itself as an aerosmith. Multi-title released on PS2, PS3, Wii.
Regular version: 6800 yen (tax included)
Guitar controller included bundled set: 11667 yen (tax included)
· Scheduled release date
October 9

NBA Live 09

· Genre
Electronic Arts
NBA-certified basketball game that contains the latest team data. In addition to all 30 NBA teams, the national team of 24 countries including Japan representative who participated in the FIBA ​​world championship also appeared. Multi-title released on PSP, PS2, PS3 as well.
7140 yen (tax included)
· Scheduled release date
October 23

Grand Theft Auto IV

· Genre
The latest work of the Grand Theft Auto series known for radical expression. Graphics and expressions become more realistic making full use of the performance of next generation hardware, and overseas record the number of sales that greatly exceeded the record of Halo 3. It is released with multi titles with PS3.
8390 yen (tax included)
· Scheduled release date
October 30

Brother In Arms Hell's Highway

· Genre
Military action
FPS which reproduced the European front in 1944 as a game. Players will direct the assault team, fire shooting team, machine gun team, Bazooka team, 88 mm antitank gun team, etc. as occasion leader according to circumstances. Although it is a multi-title with PS3, the Xbox 360 version will be released about one month earlier.
7329 yen (tax included)
· Scheduled release date
October 30


· Genre
A shooting game that progresses while changing the topography using weapons set in the near future America. Multi title with PS3.
7140 yen (tax included)
· Scheduled release date
October 30

· Upcoming Xbox 360 software release schedule list
October 2008/November/December
January 2009/February/In March

in Game, Posted by darkhorse_log