Movie of a cute image drifting with a strange sorrow "Portal - Still Alive typography"

This article, originally posted in Japanese on 14:34 Sep 22, 2008, may contains some machine-translated parts.
If you would like to suggest a corrected translation, please click here.

Half Life 2 Game recorded in OrangeBoxPORTALWhy is the ending song of 'Hello everyone's lovelyIt was exciting abroadFor a moment, "Portal - Still Alive typography" which made the image of typography attach to the song and it seemed like it was a pretty strange melancholy. Because it develops properly according to lyrics properly, it inspires various inspiration.

The reproduction of "Portal - Still Alive typography" is from the following.
Portal - Still Alive typography on Vimeo

By the way the following is original.

YouTube - Portal - "Still Alive" Credits Song

Below is the Japanese translation of lyrics.

Still alive - Portal Wiki *

There is also Hatsune Miku version singing in this Japanese translation.

GameVideos - Portal 'Still Alive JPN Translation' video Video

in Video, Posted by darkhorse