That "honey glue" used as a child became a prize and entered the game center

It seems that "honey glue" which accounts for approximately 70% of kindergartens and nursery schools nationwide is going to be a prize. What makes prizes this time is nostalgic case of yellow and red "Animal Cake". At the 46th AM show, we were able to see the prized goods directly.

Details are as below. In the booth there are countless "Animal Crossing" exhibits.

Fake animal anchor in the case of a face with a sense of affinity.

The nationwide kindergartens · nursery school share is about 70%.

Because there are many opportunities to touch at the time of a child, well-known in the teens and 20s.

There are three types that will be prizes this time.

Fuqui rubber stringed real size stuffed toy. Schedule to appear in the second week of January.

Hueki TV Chair. Schedule to appear in the second week of February.

Wiek super DX stuffed toy. The second week of March will appear.

In the booth, ordinary goods sold products were also exhibited.


in Note,   Coverage, Posted by darkhorse_log