TV Tokyo 's popular program' TV Champion 'will end in 16 years history
The longevity variety program "TV Champion" which started broadcasting on TV Tokyo series on April 16, 1992 seems to kick in the 16 year history.
It was the forerunner of the food fight boomEat eating championship",InfantryThe character of each piece of work, the difficult problem such as distinguishing it with just the face without costumes appeared "Shonen Manga King's ChampionshipAlthough it is the same program known as such, it is said that we will have the final round on the day after tomorrow's broadcast.
Details are as follows.
TV Tokyo Digital Terrestrial 7 Channel: Top Page: TV TOKYO
According to the official page of TV Tokyo, from September 18th (Thursday) at 19 o'clock, the last 2 hours special of the popular variety program "TV Champion" will be broadcasted. The last "TV champion" is "Japanese sweet craftsman 's championship".
In addition, recently "Lokyuan" such as "Lokyuan" mascot characters play a sumo wrestling in one arena "battle royal sumo" to develop "Yuru Chara Championship", The ultimate survival surviving the harsh mission such as securing food and bedding, escape from a desert island"Mujintoshima Wang Championship"Etc are broadcasted.
The official page of "TV champion" is from the following.
TV Champion [TV CHAMPION] | TV Tokyo
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