Name ranking on dogs ranking 2008

Dog's information site managed by Iris OyamaIris Pet Dock Comb Together with a Dog"The name ranking attached to the dog which was found by the questionnaire survey conducted by the dog. It has been divided into girls (female) department, boys (male) division and has been compiled, so that trends by sex can be seen.

People in trouble getting a name of a dog may be a hint of something.

Details are as below.Iris Oyama announces the findings on "name of dog"

2008 boys name ranking
1. Leo
2. Choco
2. Maron
4. Lucky
5. Sora
6. Kotaro
6. Leon
8. Malo
9. Coco
9. Cottage

"Leo" was the number one in the boy (male) category. It is a name like a lion, but it has a strange sense of language. Food names such as "chocolate" and "marron" are also increasing.

2008 girls name ranking
1. Peach
2. Nana
3. Sakura
3. Hana
5. Phosphorus
6. Maron
7. Milk
8. Coco
9. Choco
9. Marine
9. Run

"Momo" was the first place in the girls (female) category. Plants names such as "Sakura" "Hana" are ranked in a lot. Like the boys (male) department, food names are also popular.

2008 Total Ranking
1. Peach
2. Maron
3. Nana
4. Chocolate
5. Sakura
6. Hana
7. Leo
8. Coco
9. Lucky
10. Phosphorus

That's why the name of the dog who became the overall first place is "peach". I am ranked in so many names that I can use regardless of gender. It was an odd name that became out of rank and it was attached because the hair of the head was like a silhouette of eringi with a blurry headEllinghi"And because it resembled Shishi Maru of Ninja Hattori,"Sisimaru"Because it is rice in the area where you live"Kinu Hikari"When I saw it for the first time, I was a little hungry"KusseThere was also such thing as.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log