The name ranking of domestic dogs and domestic cats 2012 edition, quotations from popular works are also on the top


On the other hand, everyone has announced the name ranking which was popular in 2012, what kind of names are given to the dogs and cats they keep. These rankings do not move from the top of the classic one, but the names that were obscure by popular works in recent years are also digging up to the top.

The Most Popular Pet Names of 2012 | LiveScience

First of all, the overseas version name rankings. Data collected by Banfield Animal Hospital in Portland, Oregon, over more than 2.5 million data.

◆ Dog

No. 1: Bella
No. 2: Max (Max)
No. 3: Buddy (Buddy)
No. 4: Daisy (Daisy)
No. 5: Bailey (Bailey)
No. 6: Coco (coco)
No. 7: Lucy (Lucy)
No. 8: Charlie (Charlie)
No. 9: Molly (Molly)
No. 10: Rocky (Rocky)

A cat

No. 1: Kitty
No. 2: Bella
No. 3: Tiger (Tiger)
No. 4: Max (Max)
No. 5: Smokey (Smokey)
No. 6: Shadow (Shadow)
No. 7: Tigger
No. 8: Lucy (Lucy)
No. 9: Chloe (Chloe)
No. 10: Charlie (Charlie)

It was "Bella" that gained popularity with No. 1 in the dog and No. 2 in the cat. This is derived from the name of the heroine, Bella Swan of "Twilight Saga" with a name for female. Likewise, "Katniss" of the name of the heroine of "hanger / game" did not rank in, but it was 18 times larger for dogs and 14 times for cats than for 2011 Thing. As a thing derived from pop culture, we chose a girl contest as a themeReality show"Here Comes Honey Boo Boo"Honey Boo Boo (Honey Boo Boo", Reality program of singing contest "The VoiceI am in charge of coach atCIELO · GREENPopularity such as the name of the cat "Purrfect (perfect, Perfect and coined the Purr of the voice which the cat rings") has come out.

"Max", who ranked second in dogs and fourth in cats, has been popular as a name for male in recent years. In addition to this, the cat 's first place "Kitty" and the third - ranked dog "buddy" are the classic names. When comparing names with dogs and cats, it is popular that dogs are human-like names, cats are names that can be used for unisex and names that use physical features (such as Mika cat = "Miquet") And that.

A name like a nickname attached to a baby was popular more than 10 years ago, but in recent years the popular name of a baby as a nickname of a baby does not overlap with the name of a pet so much that only the name of a girl in 2011 Only "Chloe" which was popular as the ranked in. On the other hand, names that were once used like "Rocky" "Coco" are reviving.

In the case of Japan Iris Oyama is investigating what kind of name is popular.

Dog's name ranking big survey 2012 | Iris Pet Dock Com

Dog's name ranking top 10 is like this. The number of effective submissions is 2564, since it is an investigation on how to read names, there are cases in which they are actually attached with kanji.

No. 1: Momo
No. 2: Choco
No. 3: Here
No. 3: Sakura
No. 5: Nana
No. 6: Sora
# 7: Malon
# 8: Kotaro
# 8: Hana
No. 10: Leo

Also, the cat name ranking is here. Effective post count is 3393.

Iris Pet Dot Come with a Cat | Cat Name Ranking Great Study 2012 Result Announcement

No. 1: Momo
No. 2: Black
No. 3: Hana
No. 4: Chibi
No. 5: Mimi
No. 6: Sora
No. 7: Tiger
# 8: Leo
No. 9: Shiro
No. 9: Nana

The first place is "peach". As the name of a dog for six consecutive years, I have won the first place for 4 consecutive years as a cat's name. Dog's second place "Choco" is the second most popular name in 2010, ranking second, 2011 is third place. Dog's third place "Coco" seems to be attached in many cases with the image from Coco Chanel.

In the name of a cat, there are many names from the physical characteristics of the second place "Kuro", the fourth place "Chibi", the seventh place "tiger", the ninth place "Shiro" It is interesting to trend.

in Creature, Posted by logc_nt