A man who survived by covering a hole in the boat with empty fingers
A 56 - year - old yachtman, Mr. Stuart Wallace, closed his hole in the boat with his fingers, restrained flooding and called assistance using the other hand with the other hand, he said he took a life.
Mr. Wallace says, "For ordinary people it may not seem like a major incident, but as soon as there is any hole in the ship, a lot of water enters and it will sink in a few minutes so I will soon I had to close the hole. "
Details are as below.Yachtsman plugs hole in boat with finger to stop them from sinking - mirror.co.uk
The boat's valve broke and I got a gap of 1 inch. After knowing that flooding in a boat with a total length of about 8 meters started, Mr. Wallace stopped the gap with his index finger. However, as it is, you will not be able to navigate, so we asked for relief with a radio that was in the area where the left hand reached luckily. Mr. Wallace says, "About an hour after filling the holes,Royal Lifeboat AssociationHas arrived. I am grateful that the damage was only that the finger broke. "
Steve Hockings - Thompson, the leader of the lifeboat, said, "Although it is unusual to prevent flooding with fingers, it is within one hour without Mr. Wallace 's prompt decision. "The boat would have sunk," and it seems that it was quite a dangerous situation.
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