Counter against the Wii? Does inexpensive Xbox 360 with motion controller appear?

It showed explosive sales all over the world and eventually bundled a controller with a motion sensor by Microsoft against the "Nintendo's" Wii "which became the top share in the North American market where Xbox 360 was the most prevailing , It seems that it may release an inexpensive Xbox 360.

Details are as follows.
Rumor: New $ 199 360 SKU with motion controller - Xbox 360 Fanboy

According to this article, Microsoft is deploying to compete with Wii in terms of price, "popular price range"Xbox 360 arcade"It seems that it might release a pack that newly shipped a motion controller.

There are two or three mini games bundled in the "Xbox 360 Arcade" with a motion controller, and the price is $ 199 (about 21,700 yen).

Release is scheduled for the holiday season in 2008, and motion controllers are scheduled to be sold separately, and models other than "Xbox 360 arcade" will be available by updating.

How much new advantage does the new motion controller have against Wii?

in Note,   Game, Posted by darkhorse_log