A scene of the Miss Russian Grand Prix 2008 that bet on the title of the most beautiful woman in Russia

Every year, a contest "МиссРоссия (mislocia)" to decide the most beautiful woman in Russia is held, but this year also "МиссРоссия 2008" was held, the women's hot fight seems to have spread. This Grand Prix is ​​"Софья Ларина", a 20 year old student.

So let's see what kind of lady Софья Ларина shined for Grand Prix, and how "МиссРоссия 2008" looked like.

A picture of a hot battle that women prestige betted from the following.Мисс Россия - 2008 / ФОТО /

First of all it was judged in the state of wearing a dress.

It is not a fancy dress but a calm feel.

Primary color dress suits well on white skin.

Subsequently the swimsuit examination.

Everyone seems to be wearing the same swimsuit in different colors.

Pause positively

Pose a little tilted.

The way to pose is for each person.

Subsequently, I wore a party dress and reviewed.

People like Asians are also participating.

Marine blue dress is beautiful.

When you wear a party dress, it looks gorgeous and glittery.

It is an adult feeling.

This person, Софья Ларина elected as Grand Prix this time

At the end was taken with people of semi-miss.

Other pictures can be referred to from the following.
English Russia »Miss Russia 2008

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log