Half of the Amazon rainforest will be lost by 2030

World Nature Conservation Fund (WWF) According to the report released by the report that global warming and the destruction of forests it is very likely that more than half of the rainforests in the Amazon will be destroyed by 2030 and lost.

What happens to the earth if the tropical rainforest disappears as it is?

Details of the crisis situation to be shudder are as follows.
Half the Amazon Rainforest to be Lost by 2030

According to this report, during the next 22 years, it is concluded that 55% of the world's largest rainforest may be severely damaged by agriculture, drought, fire, deforestation and ranch management.

In addition, 4% said that rainfall will be reduced due to global warming and it may be damaged. This is expected to destroy 80% of wildlife habitats in this area.

In addition, by 2100, it is said that global warming will reduce rainfall to 20% by 20%, thereby raising the temperature by 2 degrees. By combining these, it is said that forest fires increase, deforestation further progresses.

At the moment, Amazon contains more than half of the rain forest remaining on Earth and it is an important stabilizer for the climate of the Earth. Therefore, Laport said that losing that 60 percent will accelerate the pace of global warming, and it is said that rain will be affected even in far away India.

By the way, according to WWF, "impossible to return" for the Amazon rainforest (a point where ecological recovery is impossible) is approaching sooner than it was previously estimated, and from now only 15 years to 25 It is warning that it is a year.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse